Originally posted by click4
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Actinic Dropdowns
Version 1.2 removes an external dependency which disappeared today. Please update to the new version as soon as possible.
Hi Allison,
That is pretty easy to do fortunately. Currently they appear below one another because there's a <br /> tag after each one. This is controlled by the dropdowns.js file here:
Code:var after = '<br />';
Code:var after = '';
I love this add on - works brilliantly. I was wondering however if when you click on the first drop down option you could stop the second drop down automatically changing to one of the options? I would rather it stayed as the option title ie as with your website when you click on 'Chose your Manufacturer' the second drop down stays as the title 'Chose your Family'.
As ever your help is always appreciated
Thank you
Hi Rob
The link to one of our sites is http://www.test.markcouttsphotography.co.uk/
When you use the first option the only one that has anything behind it is Models and as you will see the second drop down then defaults to Dorset. Really appreciate you having a look for me
Thanks Rob
Hi Allison,
Sorry this has taken a while. The new version on http://printinginks.net/ should work properly, I think it was just an eccentricity of IE causing the issue.
If it works for you, the only file you need to change is the dropdowns.js file. I've attached the revised version. I will post the full new version when I'm back at my desk.
-rob.Attached Files