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Products Per Page

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    products per page

    Have a look at the attachement and you will see what I mean
    Attached Files


      No need for the picture, it's as i said, lose the page 1 section and have those products in the parent section. You then have the products and links to the other pages.


        products per page

        with this software not sure how to do that


          I don't want to take business away from real developers, but I want to help. I wrote a clunky but workable javascript solution for this some time ago and posted what I'd done for free. Obviously I can't support it, nor help you install it, nor is it customised for your particular shop.

          Anyway, search through my historical posts if it's something that interests you.


            products per page


            I still need help doing as leehack said

            No need for the picture, it's as i said, lose the page 1 section and have those products in the parent section. You then have the products and links to the other pages.
            I need to get this site done ASAP and I am still on my very steep learning curve with the software.


              You need to create a structure like this:

              Section 1
              --Product 1
              --Product 2
              --Product 3
              --Section 2
              ----Product 4
              ----Product 5
              ----Product 6
              --Section 3
              ----Product 7
              ----Product 8
              ----Product 9


                products per page

                Please look at the image and tell me where I am going wrong
                Attached Files


                  Help with Code Example in AUGv9

                  Hi guys,

                  thanks for the advice about using the different sub-sections and then using the buttons to navigate to next and previous sections.

                  My only problem is that after I inserted the code in to Actinic v10.0.3 it gave errors about the value not existing for that variable.

                  Both buttons seem to display the same text, rather than having one displaying the previous section and one displaying the next section.

                  Can anyone advise where I may be going wrong?

                  Let me know if you need me to post any code on here etc.



                    Hello Mario,

                    Have you tried using the AUG for v10.0.3?


                    if your putting a v9 code in it might be why its not working, just a guess though

