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Missing Orders

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    Missing Orders

    We have a really strange issue I can't figure out – any advice would be greatly appreciated:

    Currently new orders don't appear in the "Pending" or "Pending and Completed" tabs - only in the "Pending Payment Service Provider" tab and that's only for about a month, then they vanish. The only way we're able to process the order is by cross referencing this with an email from Paypal saying we've received the payment.

    That's the first half of the problem, the second is that we are now missing all orders from the pending and completed/completed tabs after 26/09/10 up to the last month which is still in the "Pending Payment Service Provider" tab.

    I tried running a mailing list export for this period and it also comes out blank.

    It's quite frustrating as you can imagine - can anyone shed any light please?

    Many thanks

    Who is your payment processor? i.e Actinic Payment, HSBC, Paypal.
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


      Check 'Business Settings' > 'payment and security' that you haven't ticked the box 'Auto delete PSP Pending Orders'

      Why your order are appearing as psp pending is going to be due to your psp setup.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Darren: Payment processor is Paypal

        Originally posted by olderscot View Post
        Check 'Business Settings' > 'payment and security' that you haven't ticked the box 'Auto delete PSP Pending Orders'

        Why your order are appearing as psp pending is going to be due to your psp setup.
        Thanks Mike the box was indeed ticked, we've now unticked it so I assume orders won't be deleted from the PPSP tab from now on?

        They're still not showing in the "Pending and Completed" tab though - any thoughts? Especially keen to know if we can retrieve the missing orders


          It looks as if the paypal process isn't working correctly, orders should only go into PSP pending if they have a failed payment attempt.

          To move them, edit the order, go into the payments tab and enter a payment there when you have cross checked that they have been paid for. They will them move to pending.

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            It might be worth reading this thread and searching the forum for "Paypal pending" as there are a number of threads which discuss problems of orders going into PSP pending.

            Also remember not to assume that all orders in PSP pending have been paid for as many are likely to be abandoned orders.
            Darren Guppy
            Golf Tee Warehouse
            Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


              I'm not sure if you can retrieve previous auto-deleted orders or not. Often Actinic just marks items for deletion and only does the actual throwing away when you do a purge so they might still be there.

              The only way to know for sure would be look in the database using Access or similar. Someone from Actinic might know the answer.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                It might depnd on whether 'Purge on Delete' is ticked in 'Business Settings' > 'payment and security' next to the 'Auto Delete PSP-Pedning Orders' tickbox.

                I am not sure what difference is actually makes, but if purge on delete is not ticked it may still appear in the database. I assume the purge option deletes it from the database also, althougn someone with more experience or Actinic themselves may be able to offer a clearer answer.

                If you know what you are doing you could take a copy of the database and open it up and look around, although it is not always easy to find the right tables.
                Darren Guppy
                Golf Tee Warehouse
                Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                  Paypal payments go into pending psp


                  This link suggest a number of reasons way paypal payments always go into pending psp



                  SellerDeck Technical support

