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Accordion users act now

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    Accordion users act now

    I had a message from John @Tortoys yesterday saying that Sellerdeck has provided him with a fix for the accordion payment presentation option that stopped working.
    I have a customer who started having problems on March 13th, so I changed the Payment presentation option to radio buttons without realising that there is a global problem with the accordion method.

    You can check if you are using Accordion by going to Settings > Business Settings > Payment & Security
    Under the list of payment options, you will see Present Payment Options As, and there is the drop-down list.

    I thought Sellerdeck would have used its new message centre to alert clients, but there is nothing apart from what John has sent me.
    My golf trophy site uses accordion, and I've had no sales all week. However, a customer called me at 7 a.m. on Friday, the 23rd, to say he couldn't see the pay button.
    This should have been one of my busiest weeks heading towards Easter
    Again, I swapped the method from accordion to drop-down, and the order came through.

    If you want to continue with the accordion, you can contact Sellerdeck for the fix, but I have changed to the simpler radio and dropdown options.

    I hope this is not some form of admission that they knew something was wrong but did nothing to tell anyone.

    Why Sellerdeck have chosen not to tell all their users about this known problem as a matter of urgency is beyond me. I actually suggested they use the new message centre for this but that seems to have been ignored.

    Anyway, below is the fix supplied to me by Sellerdeck, and which I am told will be incorporated as standard in 18.2.4.

    Go to ‘Design | Library | Layouts’ and scroll down to the ‘Javascript Header Functions’ group and expand it.
    Open the layout ‘Standard Javascript Header Functions’ and move down the code until you see the line: -

    <script defer crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>Remove this code and replace it with the following: -

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
    And click ‘OK’ to save the layout.

    Once you have done this go back to ‘Settings | Business Settings | Payment and Security’ and change the in option in the ‘Present Payment Options As’ selection box to ‘Accordion’ and upload the site for the changes to take place online.

    John Ennals


      I'm not sure what's going on, as my main section image links on the home page are not going to the Actinic directory sections but to the root directory, so I've had to redirect some pages from the root.
      <body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="></body>

      Edit in reply to post 7: I'll update here as I don't want to dilute the Accordion error thread. Yes, it may be unrelated and a possible other script error as I wasn't getting the cookie prompt once the cache had cleared.


        We were on holiday for two weeks and still receiving healthy orders whilst closed. And then about 13th the orders dropped off a cliff. We then had a few messages saying there wasn’t anywhere to enter card details. We checked and could see this was the case.

        we couldn’t do anything as we were in Turkey, so just had to suffer the losses.

        upon our return this week I found if I reintroduced Bank Transfer as the first option, when you then had to select Clear accept, the details would then populate.

        a bit peed off that this was more widespread that our site, and Sellerdeck haven’t fixed or advised.



          I assume this was a clearaccept issue?

          Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


            Not the payment service but the way it is presented.


              I assume this was a clearaccept issue?
              No, it was caused by third party "polyfill" code which was being loaded by Javascript Header Functions to provide compatibility with IE11. Apparently the third party code has become unstable or something, so the Sellerdeck fix means it is no longer used.

              I've applied the fix and it's working fine, and orders have started coming through again after nearly a week of nothing. My concern now is that my regular customers, upon whom I rely heavily, will have lost confidence if they've recently been unable to place orders due to this fault.

              I'm not sure what's going on, as my main section image links on the home page are not going to the Actinic directory sections but to the root directory,
              I haven't experienced this and it sounds like a completely separate issue to me, however I may be wrong.

              My advice is to apply the fix regardless of whether you are using Accordion payments.

              John Ennals


                I have not had the issue, I am on 18.12 with radio buttons, is it still wise to do the fix?

                Thanks Ed

                Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland



                  Since you're not using accordion payments and if everything else is working, it'd probably be best to wait and check with SD support to be on the safe side. But I've been told the fix is going to be standard issue from 18.2.4 onward, so I doubt whether it would do any harm.

                  The reason I suggested applying it anyway was to cater for the possibility that polyfill.min.js is used by other aspects of Sellerdeck websites, not just the payment bit of the checkout. I don't know if this is the case, but if it is, it is possible that it might be causing other adverse effects.

                  Anyway, this is all well beyond my pay grade. Hopefully Sellerdeck will issue some sort of clarification next week, and until then "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" is probably the best way to go.
                  John Ennals


                    Thanks John, I will wait but have a quick look around at various basics to see if anything is looking odd.
                    Quite worrying that something that halts sales haa not been addressed more urgently unless its more complex than it appears.

                    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


                      Originally posted by John Ennals View Post

                      Since you're not using accordion payments and if everything else is working, it'd probably be best to wait and check with SD support to be on the safe side. But I've been told the fix is going to be standard issue from 18.2.4 onward, so I doubt whether it would do any harm.

                      The reason I suggested applying it anyway was to cater for the possibility that polyfill.min.js is used by other aspects of Sellerdeck websites, not just the payment bit of the checkout. I don't know if this is the case, but if it is, it is possible that it might be causing other adverse effects.
                      I am using V18.2.2 with Present Payment Options As Drop-down List and not aware of any problems with this setting, however, I would suggest if other users apply the fix before upgrading to V18.2.3 to keep a check log of the change made because in my experience when a change like this is applied to an earlier version of the software it gets overwritten when upgraded and needs to be re-applied except when the fix is applied in the later version in this case V18.2.4 - hopefully!


                        When the cause of this problem was first tracked down it was expected to be a temporary glitch due to the migration of the service between servers. We also needed confirmation that the fix was working, which added another delay.

                        Given the continuing reports from customers it was decided that we should remove the code that uses the 3rd party service completely. We have prepared a Knowledge Base article to detail how to remove the dependency - see The change is the same as described earlier in this thread.

                        Gordon Camley

                        3rd Line Support


                          Hi John - look what is going out: You lead and the world follows!
                          10:49 (13 minutes ago)
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	criticalbug.jpg
Views:	127
Size:	49.9 KB
ID:	556992
                          Jonathan Chappell
                          Website Designer
                          SellerDeck Website Designer
                          Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                          Graphicz Limited -


                            Thanks for confirming receipt, Jonathan.

                            We've also used the Important Messages extension (added for 18.2.3) for the first time. Can anyone on 18.2.3 confirm that they've seen this message? You might have to restart Sellerdeck Desktop for it to appear.
                            Hugh Gibson
                            CTO - Sellerdeck, part of ClearCourse


                              Do we have to delete this chunk too?

                              <script type="text/javascript">
                              * polyFillsLoaded - called when the Poly Fill JS bundle has loaded
                              * Note the defer attribute so that it only runs after the page is loaded
                              * PolyFills are required to support Fetch and promises in IE11
                              function polyFillsLoaded()
                              // Now okay to do anything that depends on fetch
                              I guess so as there is no polyFills to load.
                              Jonathan Chappell
                              Website Designer
                              SellerDeck Website Designer
                              Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                              Graphicz Limited -

