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Norton Internet Security / FTP server problem

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    Thanks Tony

    Yup, that one's been checked.

    Any other ideas?


    All-Unied . (pronounced "all you need")
    . . . from click to campus


      Originally posted by BobW
      When I turn the NIS off but run the Windows firewall it's OK.
      I've got another client with an identical problem, in identical circumstances, and he can upload OK if he disables NIS.

      It seems that the only workarounds at present are a) to disable NIS or b) do a Windows System Restore to the point prior to installing SP2.

      Obviously, neither of these is an ideal solution, can anyone think of something more sensible? Is there anything that could be done in the next Actinic patch?

      ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth


        Bob, Malcolm,

        What version of NIS is causing the problem? I did come across something that said the enterprise version had a problem with SP2.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Nis 2004


          I'm running with NIS 2004. I did have SP2 on my machine but did as Malcolm suggests and did a System Restore to the day before loading it.

          But it still doesn't work !!!

          All-Unied . (pronounced "all you need")
          . . . from click to campus


            Hi Bob

            Could you please confirm whether it is just Actinic that is having the problem, or is it that you still cannot ftp at all from IE when you have NIS switched on?

            If it is the latter, then I think you have had all the advice we can give. You need to maybe talk to Symantec and get some advice.

            You can normally get Actinic uploading, if you can ftp via Internet Explorer.


              "talk to Symantec"

              Hi Chris,

              I am very grateful to those who have offered me help in this Community.

              Having gone through all the suggestions (several times!) it transpired that the version of NIS 2004 I was running had some undetectable problem within it and when I eventually got through to the Symantec Tech Support guys they suggested I went through the very long and complicated task of un-installing and re-instaling the NIS software.

              With no apparent option (and tired of wasting so much time) that's exactly what I tried to do. And, although I wouldn't consider myself to be totally computer literate, I think I probably have a better idea that the average man on the street but still took four hours un-installing the software . . . . instead of the 30 minutes they suggested it would take !!!

              However, when it came to re-installing NIS, none of the files they referred to existed on my PC even though I know I followed their instructions to the letter - even printing off the documents and ticking each action as I did it.

              I had to laugh when you said "talk to Symantec". They are the worst customer focused corporation I have EVER had the misfortune of interacting with - and by reading various forums, I'm certainly not alone.

              So, to cut a very long story short, I've given up on Symantec and have just purchased the "Zone Labs Security Suite". On early tests, it appears that I can now access my ftp servers again so hopefully very soon, I'll have my site back under development.

              Thanks again.


              All-Unied . (pronounced "all you need")
              . . . from click to campus



                Try NIS's reply here.



                  Originally posted by shanezhang

                  Try NIS's reply here.

                  This response is for a totally different version of NIS, it is for NIS2000 Family Edition. Totally different configuration for NIS2004.

                  This might be too late as I have seen that you got frustrated. However I wanted to let you know that mine is working just fine with NIS2004. Can you tell me what part of NIS is blocking the connection? I know you disabled it and it worked however, you should then try to determine what part of NIS is blocking the connection. You do this by having NIS enabled and opening NIS then click on Personal Firewall and click the "Turn Off" button on the right hand side. With NIS still open, switch to IE and try to connect. If it then works you have narrowed it down to the firewall.

                  Try each section of NIS until you figure out which one is causing the problem. Then get back in touch with me and I will help you go through each element of that section to be sure that they are set right. NIS can be a bear to get working, but once working it is the best you can get for Internet security.

                  I would also try the FTP client at the command line. The command would be FTP this should come back with a response from the FTP server to login with a password or anonymous. Enter your user name and password as instructed. If everything goes well here, then it has to be something not set correctly in IE.

                  The command line FTP should look something similar to this:

                  Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
                  (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

                  Connected to
                  220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
                  220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
                  220-Local time is now 17:31. Server port: 21.
                  220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
                  220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
                  User {{none}}: eagle
                  331 User eagle OK. Password required
                  230-User eagle has group access to: eagle
                  230-This server supports FXP transfers
                  230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
                  Please let me know where you are, because I would hate to see you spend countless hours and more money to get another solution when the one you have is one of the best.

                  Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

