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Login = 'The disappearing stylesheet'

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    Login = 'The disappearing stylesheet'


    I've uploaded the bare bones of our new site to:

    Apart from an html table and a few minor changes to colours and borders, etc, i'm using the actinic home page as is.

    If you login ( pw= 0000) from the home page, (which uses Act_BrochurePrimary), when you return from the login page, the home page has apparently loaded without the benefit of the stylesheet and has thus fallen apart.

    If you go to the shop page and login, all is well.

    It was suggested that I make sure that:

    was present in the appropriate template (Act_BrochurePrimary) and it is.

    I did find a couple of other posts about this .css login problem which revolved around custom home pages outside the acatalog folder and didn't seem relevent.

    Any ideas anyone?


    Your link to login:

    <A HREF="" ...


    "<a href=""

    My other suggestion would be to replace your links:

    "acatalog/actinic.css" (etc)




      Thanks for the ideas. I had a bit of a fiddle, but for some reason that escapes me entirely, I'm still getting the .css-less return from home page login return to home page.
      Reading the source of the corrupted page shows the .css is apparently being called, but is not showing up!
      I did see on a previous post from someone with custom home pages outside actinic dropping the stylesheet in all the folders on the website they could find! - This apparently improved the login problem they had but generated some errors on upload, etc, so I'm a bit loathe to start too much fiddling with the finished product given my limited skills!
      Many thanks


        Your CSS (and links) still points to acatalog/actinic.css (make it actinic.css). Indeed, your basehref is:

        <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="" FORCED=1/>

        So acatalog/actinic.css will surely only be found at:

        "" - just format your links as described above.

        I'd also try the format for login I suggested. If none of that works upload site in production mode (your payment provider can be set to test) and examine the results.




          I am also getting this problem and I have tried everything I can think of, plus everything suggested above. The last actinic project I built I also resorted to an external index.html file which of course gets overwritten on almost every site update on the client side.

          Is there anything that could explain why the style sheet is dropped as soon as you enter on to the login page?

          URL is:

          Thanks very much in advance

          Manc Design Person


            Hi there

            Is the stylesheet also missing when you actually log in, or is it just on the login page?

            When you view the login page via
            the css loads fine - so it is definitely something to do with viewing pages via the scripts.


              hmm, yes that does work. But when you click the Login link in the top nav it doesn't work, nor does it load after login.


              Manc Design Person


                The strange thing is that you can add to cart and checkout without the problems - and these are pages delivered by the scripts as well.

                Thisis a long shot, but could you try commenting out the <link> tag that refers to 'cress.css'. I'm just wondering if the login scripts have problems if there are two stylesheets.

                I's a long shot, but worth a pop.


                  Thanks for the tip, unfortunately I tried it and it was exactly the same.

                  However, I've been testing in Mac OSX Safari, and in there there is a utility that allows you to see what is loading in and whats failing etc. According to that, when I reach a login page or a logged in page, it is requesting the css from the cgi-bin, which is obviously forbidden.

                  The exact path its trying to reach is

                  Could this be because the test site is behind an IP and therefore won't be responding to *some* normal url requests because of the lack of proper DNS?

                  If not, why is it trying to request it from the cgi-bin?

                  in the head there is:
                  <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="actinic.css">
                  <BASE HREF="">

                  Genuinely perplexed

                  Manc Design Person


                    Genuinely perplexed
                    As am I. I have recommended everything I know to fix the problem.

                    I suggest you register an email support request at and let the support team see your snapshot. We can then try it on a different server and try and eliminate what is causing the problem.


                      Ok I'll do that. Thanks, I will post the outcome once I know.

                      Manc Design Person


                        Hi All,

                        Been away this week and thought the thread had died! Sorry.

                        Likewise I'll raise a support ticket as the two sites' problems together might throw some light on the mystery.

                        I have a gut feeling it might be something to do with the network settings, (CGI routes), though I'm definitely an amateur player here!



                          I still don't seem to be getting anywhere with this. I am waiting for some feedback from the tech support.

                          This is the only thing that is stopping the site from being launched. Any suggestions?

                          I still think it is related to the cgi as it also drops the css when adding products to the basket.
                          Manc Design Person


                            I have been having a bit of a fiddle with the network settings without luck myself.
                            I've sent my snapshot to Actinic Support now, and await their reply. They had it 1st thing yesterday, so I would think I'll get something back early next week


                              Snapshot gone to Actinic

                              I have been having a bit of a fiddle with the network settings without luck myself. It seems possible to alter the page that is having the problem, but I just can't see where the underlying error is.
                              I sent a snapshot to Actinic Support yesterday 1st thing, and await their reply. I would think I'll get something back early next week.

                              I've just checked and the snapshot has gone from the upload folder at Actinic, so someone must be looking at it. I gather they'll play with it on a virtual server and try to iron out the problem.

                              I'll post the result here when I have it back

