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Hardware needed for a demo setup at trades fair

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    Hardware needed for a demo setup at trades fair


    Can someone tell me what spec of either pc or server I would need to run an actinic store locally on a network of say 3 pc's.

    i.e 3 pc's on a network hub linking to another pc or server running apache with the actinic store on.

    I have it running on a pc currently and can acess it over a network on another pc but it runs pretty slow is this the perl scripts ??

    do they need a powerful pc/server to run ?

    does anyone reckon this would work??

    we want to do this so customers can order stuff while looking around a stand we are having at a local trades fair but sadly no direct connection to the internet will be there so this is the only option I have.

    Any comments would be great.

    Thanks very much


    You should be OK if your server machine has 256 MB or RAM and is a reasonable modern Pentium.

    I assume you have ActiverPerl installed. If you have, then open a command line and type

    ppm install Digest-MD5

    This will install a module which should speed up Perl performance.

    Make sure each Actinic store has its own CGI Script ID (in 'Advanced | Network Setup') and they are all uploading to their own subfolders within your document root.



      Thanks for the quick reply.

      I have tried the command you gave and Im getting this error message:-

      Error installing package 'digest-md5' : Colud not locate a PPD file for package digest-md5

      Whats going on ?




        You need to do it with an Internet connection open.

