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V7.02 patch release

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    V7.02 patch release

    Is there a way of downloading this patch without going through the silly 30 day evaluation registration?

    I did fill it in again and the page it takes you to only had the V7.01 patch.

    Come on actininc, you should check the patch is actually there before posting links to it, would help tremendously.

    The patch is there now - I downloaded it on Saturday. Maybe you needed to refresh your page before filling in the form.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
    Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

    Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
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      wasnt there when i logged in Jan, I have software that clears my cach every time i log on so i couldnt have been viewing a cached page.

      Can see it now though, looks like Actinic may have done the refreshing.


        i would love to know the link, the one from chris takes me to a page that simply states there are no new versions avaliable.





            thanks for that



              Ignore, the link works now.
              Supporting the environment. This post uses 100% recycled electrons.
              Bob Isaac
              Director/Web Admin
              Volvo Owners Club Ltd

              Actinic MS Business Version 8.5.2


                So installed the patch (on an old computer luckily), imported my 7.01 snapshot and now nothing works. Wont upload, refresh or anything. Anyone else had problems? I take it that this is not the final release as there seems to be no links to it from the main actinic web site!


                Located in Edinburgh UK



                  US Version?

                  I realize the patch says UK and International version but is there a separate US version? I don't want to apply the patch if there's a different one for the US.


                    7.0.2 patch

                    Just updated my version of Developer fom 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 I have 2 sites at the moment, one refreshed just fine and the update option works ok as well. However, on the other site when I try and do an update of the site I get the following message:

                    The server scripts are incompatible with this version of Actinic. Refresh the web site. If order processing is split from web site maintenance then the two copies of Actinic must be upgraded to the same version. If this error persists, copy the perl scripts from the original subdirectory and try again.
                    Server version = "7EGSA", Client version = "7ELCA"

                    I've done several site refreshes but the error message still appears. Should I copy the perl scripts (presumably in the site1 folder) to the web site folder that has the problem ? Are the perl scripts the ones with the .pl extension and do I have to copy any other files across ? (Typical newbie questions)

                    Any help greatly appreciated.




                      Had the same problem myself, uninstalling Actinic and installing the new version from scratch worked for me....until....I applied my v7.01 snapshot and things seemed to revert back to the old version. First tell tale sign was the screen was not remembering where it had been (One of the fixes on v7.02). Then none of the buttons worked at all so could not upload/download etc. Now back on v7.01 and will wait a bit before applying v7.02 I think!


                      Located in Edinburgh UK



                        v7.0.2 patch

                        Hi David,

                        And I thought it was just me ! The odd thing is that of the 2 sites I'm running, the one had no problems at all, but the other had the error message in my previous post. I don't know whether it's to do with the fact that I'm using different themes on each site - the one that's giving problems is using the 'Elegant' theme whilst the one that's ok is using the 'Smart' theme.

                        I haven't tried moving the perl script yet until I know 100% what I'm doing Hopefully someone on the forum will have the know-how to advise me how to go about it.



                          The server scripts are incompatible with this version of Actinic.
                          To fix this, go to 'Help | Troubleshooting' and click 'Web Site Purge and Refresh'. Then select 'Delete Perl Files...' and carry out the refresh. This should fix it.
                          Then none of the buttons worked at all so could not upload/download etc.
                          Which buttons were not working? Update store? Retrieve orders? Any of them? 7.0.2 should work fine so something went very odd for you. Did the snapshot import and then upgrade OK?


                            v7.0.2 patch

                            Hi Chris,

                            Sorted, just refreshed the site as per your instructions and everything is now working great - easy when you know how
                            Regarding the 'buttons' question, I think that's one of Dave Finlaysons from his reply to my original post so I can't help on this one.

                            Once again, thanks for the help - the Forum is great with lots of helpful people making life a bit easier for us newbies.




                              The update/retrieve buttons are the ones not working. I have just done a full clean install of v7.02 on my test computer, seems to work fine before importing the snapshot although I didnt try to update to my test area. Imported my snapshot, all seems to run through fine (although it did not give me the message about upgrading the scripts and whether I want to override etc) and it finished.

                              Started up Actinic again and neither the update or retrieve buttons work, although I am getting an egg timer every so often (has been sitting for 15 mins now doing nothing). As I said before, if I close it down in the orders screen when I start up again it is not remembering this. I have compacted the databases etc and nothing seems to work.

                              Any suggestions?


                              Located in Edinburgh UK


