Hi, I am looking to run a 3 for 2 offer on a particulart product range where they get the cheapest free. How would i go about getting it so that the shopping cart doesn't charge for the 'free' product?
At the moment i have just posted on the homepage that we'll manually ammend cart totals when processing the order but it would be nice if the customer could see how much they were getting charged from the shooping cart.
I hope this is easy to do cos I'm a novice at this
I hope i have explained myself well enough. We're using Catalog V6
At the moment i have just posted on the homepage that we'll manually ammend cart totals when processing the order but it would be nice if the customer could see how much they were getting charged from the shooping cart.
I hope this is easy to do cos I'm a novice at this
I hope i have explained myself well enough. We're using Catalog V6