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Offline ordering V7.02

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    Offline ordering V7.02


    I have just upgraded over the weekend from V7.01 to V7.02. One major problem and one irritant. The major one is that when we try to process an offline 'New' order the program closes itself! - Nice!. Any ideas on that one. The irritant is that we sort by order date, which in V5/6 & 7.01 kept that sort order, however we now download and the new orders are at the bottom of the page and I'm constantly re-sorting, in fact every time I swith from Pending to Complete or PSP pending it re-sorts itself. Apart from that the database processing seems to have speeded up enormously so thanks for that

    John Sollars
    MD at Stinkyink.Com
    Ph 01746 781020
    Fx 01746 781698
    Em John (at) Stinkyink dot Com

    Hi John

    There is a bug in 7.0.2 regarding this. If you go to "View | Discount and Surcharge Settings". For "Order Level", have you deleted all the discount from here. If so, then this is a bug. The work around is to create an order discount and just disable it.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Tried that!

      Hi Nadeem,

      Thanks for the info, I tried that and it still doesn't work


      John Sollars
      MD at Stinkyink.Com
      Ph 01746 781020
      Fx 01746 781698
      Em John (at) Stinkyink dot Com


        Hi John

        I would suggest in raising an email ticket with Actinic Support regarding this issue. The website address is:

        They would need your snapshot.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Offline ordering

          Good Morning Nadeem,

          I've just spoken with Fergus at and he has talked me through it, you have to create a new account and then untick the enable box and then it works.

          I do have a couple of other irritants though; Sort order, every time we download or switch screens the system defaults to oldest first. Secondly the print settings default back to 1 copy when you close the system down.

          Minor I Know, but driving us potty


          John Sollars
          MD at Stinkyink.Com
          Ph 01746 781020
          Fx 01746 781698
          Em John (at) Stinkyink dot Com


            Hi John

            you have to create a new account and then untick the enable box and then it works.
            Thats the bug . This will be fixed for the forthcoming patch.

            I do have a couple of other irritants though; Sort order, every time we download or switch screens the system defaults to oldest first. Secondly the print settings default back to 1 copy when you close the system down.

            Minor I Know, but driving us potty
            I know how you feel

            I have already spoken with development regarding sorting, and other users on this forum have also said they wanted this.
            With the printer, i have test it on MS Excel and the same happens as well, if you select to print 2 or more, then close the dialog box. It will reset the it back to 1.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development



              Cheers Nadeem,

              Roll on Version 7.03!!
              John Sollars
              MD at Stinkyink.Com
              Ph 01746 781020
              Fx 01746 781698
              Em John (at) Stinkyink dot Com

