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Email Error

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    Email Error

    Hey all,

    I don't suppose anybody knows what's happening here do they?

    When I try to send the catalog emails, I get the following error:-

    Failed to communicate with the SMTP server.
    Possible Cause: 
    1. Network transmission problems.
    2. Could have Changed the SMTP Server settings, but not Uploaded after that.
    1. Retry 
    2. Upload the Site First, if you have changed the SMTP Server Settings.
    	If retry fails, check your SMTP settings
    	or contact your ISP.
    The error was:
    xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxError returned from SMTP server (4: 5.7.1 <xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx>... Relaying denied. IP name possibly forged [67.15.xx.xx]
    Command: send 	Filename:
    I had the site on a shared IP at first and now I have had a dedicated IP tagged to the account, the IP that's been classed as possibly forged? What's all that about?

    Please help, it's making my fingers ache typing all the emails


    FAO: Chris Dickens?

    Can anybody help with this before it drops of the page?
    Last edited by AFH Dan; 03-Dec-2004, 09:03 PM. Reason: Anybody help?



      I still have this email problem that apears to be with the program and not the server settings..


        I can't help fix the problem, but in the meantime:

        Please help, it's making my fingers ache typing all the emails
        Don't type them. Get actinic to generate them and then copy and paste into your email prgram. It's far quicker.


        PS. What have you got in your email settings? It might help someone identify the problem if they know.

        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          I'm using the servers settings

 for smtp & pop3
          username and password.

          I did work fine until the domain got it's dedicated IP. Then it appears actinic give the area shown in my first post.

          This is a BIG maul as I am getting a fair few orders now and need this working as it's a BIG time saver.

          c'mon guys!

          elp a fellow Catalog basher!


            I wouldn't be surprised if your mail server has been set up to only accept mail from itself (i.e. sites with it's own IP address) and now you have your own IP address it's saying "hold on a minute, that's not my IP address".

            If I were you I'd ask my ISP if the mail server is setup to accept mail from your IP address. They should know what the problem is anyway.


            PS. The last time I checked the accepted wisdom was that you won't get listed in google UK with a .com address on a US based server. Something for you to think about. (OK I see you also have the with a link but it does mean that the only people who'll find your site in Google UK are those looking for your name. Not those looking for the products you sell).

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Thanks for your help fella but I still have this problem...

              My mail server is working as far as I know as I can send mails through any other program (outlook etc).

              The first step was to query my host, that's checked... All fine (or so they say).

              Google is a wonderful thing. The site is pretty new and stuck in the 'google sandbox' at the moment, but it will be indexed in google uk.

              Anybody else help me?



                Was a problem with my actinic settings.


                  Hi Dan

                  What was the setting in Actinic?

                  I have developed the identical problem and error message and not surewhat i have done



                    Hi there

                    Check in "Advance | Network Setup", the smtp server is the address given to you by your hosting company, and in "View | Business Settings | Company/Contact", the email address is again the one with your hosting company.

                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      Hi Nadeem and Dan

                      Just to say I have resolved the issue, it turned out to be some new anti-spam software that my ISP (Verio) had installed which was affecting outgoing mail as well, they have issued me with a new smtp address this am and all seems ok again

