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changing web hosting server via actinic

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    changing web hosting server via actinic

    hi there,

    i am changing my web hosting and am having problems uploading the site to the new host. I am going to:

    advanced>network setup> wizard >

    i am then checking the configure new network settings box....

    i then enter my hostname, username and password....

    actinic then asks me to type in my wesite address, as it would appear in the web browser, so i add:

    the wizard then checks all the paths to the cgi-bin etc... the wizaed the shows the following information:

    Once the wizard logs in to your server, it needs to know how to get to the cgi-bin and web root directories. The cgi-bin directory is the directory where CGI scripts are stored. Cgi-bin directories typically have names like "cgi-bin", "cgi", etc. The web root directory is the directory where your web files are stored. The view on the left hand side is a view of your FTP server's directories. Please select the cgi-bin and press the ">>" button to copy the directory name into the CGI-BIN directory field. Please do the same for the web root directory. If you want to refresh a directory listing, please close it and then re-open it. If you know the directories already, you can type them directly into the text boxes. Your catalog files will be stored in a sub-directory of your web root directory called "acatalog."

    in the options the information of my server appears, i.e. folders

    in the boxes, the cgi-bin direcory is:


    in the boxes, the web root directory is:


    **these folders exist in the server directory....

    but, when i press next, it says a lonh message to the effect that the 'file was not found' and 'no responce' saying the settings may be wrong.

    I have got back to my hosting support and they tell me all is working fine in the server and as far as they know there is a problem with actinic, they reccomend me to use ftp program to upload the site, but if i do this from my pc i will get all the offilne stuff on my server, which is not needed and also if i upload stuff, update, my web, i will not be sure if it has done it right.

    This is the first the i have done since purchacing the space on the server. I have not tried to change anything in term of dns or registration of the website name etc, as you can see i am a novice at this and am just going along with what the host tells me. i am not quite sure what to do, is there anyone out there that will have a solution to this problem or let me know what i can do to move the site into the new server?

    Thanks all for all your help....past and present...


    p.s. sorry for the long mail
    Thanks for all help everyone!!

    I have got back to my hosting support and they tell me all is working fine in the server and as far as they know there is a problem with actinic, they reccomend me to use ftp program to upload the site, but if i do this from my pc i will get all the offilne stuff on my server, which is not needed and also if i upload stuff, update, my web, i will not be sure if it has done it right.
    you should really try to work out what is wrong. Assume the server is ok and all you need to do is get your network configuration ok.

    check permissions are correct on your cgi-bin (755), indeed check you have a cgi bin.

    who is the host?

    consider moving to a host who has experience with Actinic, as these guys obviously don't


      hi there,

      the host is:

      how do i check the settings what windows do i need to go in to check the cgi-bin (755)? or do i need to liase with the host for this?

      I did have a cgi bin, as the new server had the folders in the right path, so they must exist? or does actinic not show what is actually in the folder system in the prieveiw screen described above?

      What can i do to check the settings? will you know what settings i newed or will i have to go to the hosting company?

      thanks for your help.



      p.s. moving is not really an option, as i am paid up, and its quite cheap, the site does not make that kind of money to host expensive.
      Thanks for all help everyone!!


        Hi there

        Is your CGI_BIN URL set to I think it should be if its not

        By looking at your page I think : Path to cgi-bin from acatalog should be ../acatalog/

        path to cgi-bin should be cgi-bin/

        I have problems with the softare too!


          on yout hosts website you have access to video tutorials take a look at this one

          when you are using filemanager you will be able to see the permissions of the cgi-bin.

          check you have a folder called cgi-bin (755) and a folder called acatalog (777) within the public_html folder


            Ok to check your permissions instead of using http replace with you should be prompted to enter a password. Fom here you can right click on files and change there permissions..


              Originally posted by pinbrook
              check you have a folder called cgi-bin (755) and a folder called acatalog (777) within the public_html folder
              i have added a folder called actalog, there was alread a folder called cgi-bin (755) but the folder for acatalog is 755 also, when i try change permissions to 777 it does not change?

              I think i may be moving forwards with this,
              Thanks for all help everyone!!



                ok i have just managed to change this by allowing the 'world' and 'group' (to write or something) boxes ticked, i have done this and tried to upload again, but still same error.

                Any other ideas anyone?
                Thanks for all help everyone!!



                  Originally posted by kgeals
                  Ok to check your permissions instead of using http replace with you should be prompted to enter a password. Fom here you can right click on files and change there permissions..
                  hi there sorry, but i dont understand, i have tried to click on this link, it does not work, where do i need to do this or put this in actinic?
                  Thanks for all help everyone!!



                    Originally posted by pinbrook
                    on yout hosts website you have access to video tutorials take a look at this one

                    sorry to submit so many posts at once, but i can upload files directly to this area as shown in the video, but would prefer to do it via actinic, for the following reasons:

                    actinic will be able to update the web at the server when i upload

                    i would rather actinic be linked to the server, then i know that there will not be future problems

                    i would end up uploading all files that are offline, that i wont need on the server (eg prievew html folder, and who knows what else)

                    for these reasons i have been advised to upload the site via actinic and the non-actinic pages via dreamweaver (which sort of makes sence to me - just how to do it)

                    thanks again for all your patience everyone.
                    Thanks for all help everyone!!



                      Hi DecorativeXtras,

                      You will have to type it manually changing username for whatever your ftp user is... for example I use:


                        Originally posted by kgeals
                        Hi DecorativeXtras,

                        You will have to type it manually changing username for whatever your ftp user is... for example I use:
                        i have tried this and it just times out, but i have already checked the permissions using the control pannel and they are fine.

                        but i really need to know what i can do next to try reslove this issue.
                        Thanks for all help everyone!!



                          Ok can you email me a screen shot of your Advanced network setup -take out the user/password although I could test it from my pc with it! Advanced > network setup



                            hi there,

                            i have sent the details, when i 'test' the new settings in the advanced network setup screen with the new settings in there, without using the wizard, it says:

                            Unable to move to the cgi-bin directory "/cgi-bin/" on the FTP server.
                            The specified directory does not exist or you do not have access to the directory.

                            this seems to be the center of the problem.....
                            Thanks for all help everyone!!



                              You have mail! I tried with these setting and got past your problems.. give it a go and tell us if it works..


