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Cant View Images

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    Cant View Images

    Hi Since i uploaded Actincs and added my products, I can not see many of JPEG images on my site, via actinics ok, via any other machine anywhere else ok, but if i go online at home i can not see most of the images can any one shed any light on this ?
    Also at this time i updated my internet explorer service pack and have had other problems since so i think this could have some thing to do with it, just want to restore viewing the website images, i have no simmilar problems with any other images or applications.

    Many Thanks


    Just taken a look at a hit thru different sections and onto product details and your images show to me.

    Is there a specific page you are referring to.

    You might want to try viewing the page and then pressing F5 on your keyboard to get a fresh copy of that page


      Thanks for feedback no i tried that its only on my machine i have a problem on any other ok si i know its uploaded ok but i think im maybe missing some thing a driver maybe preventing me from viewing especially when i downloaded service pack for explorer as i hear some about blocking images that could contain viruses so im still in the dark on this one but thans anyway


        I just had a look.

        Some images are showing on some pages but not on others.

        I am a complete newbie so cannot help, but i thought i'd let u know what i can see on my pc


          Hi Sue really you could not see some images i thought it6 was just my PC this has me worried i have had no problems viewing all images on other PC's maybe you have simmilar problem thanks anyway



            HI Steve,
            Unfortunately, I can't offer a solution but I do have the same problem with some of the images on my sites.
            For example,
            The Energico 2 in 1 (second, 3rd and 4th products down) shows no image to me on the web and never has done!
            It never did on my other website either before it got shifted across to the Budget Bumps store. Probably accounts for the fact that I can't shift the darn things!
            Views fine offline (Actinic previews etc) but never online. Fine on other people's PCs too.
            Did wonder if it's Norton/XP related?
            It is annoying though, sadly, don't think it's actinic related, sorry!


              Originally posted by budgetbumps
              HI Steve,
              Unfortunately, I can't offer a solution but I do have the same problem with some of the images on my sites.
              For example,
              The Energico 2 in 1 (second, 3rd and 4th products down) shows no image to me on the web and never has done!
              It never did on my other website either before it got shifted across to the Budget Bumps store. Probably accounts for the fact that I can't shift the darn things!
              Hi Tracey,

              Don't know if it helps but I've just looked at your link and all four prams display fine but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th all appear to be identical in text and image. (I've been up early so manybe I'm missing something
              I've just emailed you a screenshot so you can see what I mean.

              Best Regards


                They are supposed to be all the same.
                None of the 3 images show up on my computer though, would be interested to know if they do on Steve's or not
                Out of interest, you're not running XP SP1 and Norton Professional, are you? It'd eliminate the combination as a cause, that's all?


                  Some possible solutions but please advise anyone........

                  Hi thanks for your reply please visit this artical someone left on the microsoft forum for me it may be of help but i am worried about the security risks once implemented can anyone advise me on this :-


                  below is the link to the thread i posted

                  the tread is entitled "please help" from Krono (me)


                  many thanks

                  A touch of Siam for the Modern Home


                    Originally posted by budgetbumps
                    They are supposed to be all the same.
                    None of the 3 images show up on my computer though, would be interested to know if they do on Steve's or not
                    Out of interest, you're not running XP SP1 and Norton Professional, are you? It'd eliminate the combination as a cause, that's all?

                    No, I'm on XP SP2 with ZoneAlarm Pro and BitDefender AntiVirus.


                      Interesting link, Steve, but doesn't help me. I'm not using SP2 (thought better of installing it having heard so many bad things about it!)
                      I'm only using XP SP1 but am having the exact same problem.
                      I have tried all the suggestions you were offered in your post on there, however, with no effect.
                      Also, I don't use any of those photo editors listed!


                        Originally posted by krono
                        Hi thanks for your reply please visit this artical someone left on the microsoft forum for me it may be of help but i am worried about the security risks once implemented can anyone advise me on this :-


                        A touch of Siam for the Modern Home

                        As I understand it that Knowledge base article refers to a problem when you try to view a 'local' html page. (ie when pressing preview on Actininc).

                        Since upgrading to XP SP2 I have had this problem and it occurs everytime I preview my Actinic pages before uploading them. What happens is that a error message appears at the top of the IE page saying
                        "To help protect your security, IE has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..."

                        I then have to click on the top bar and select "Allow blocked content" and it works fine.

                        The difference is that this only affects local html files. Once the page is hosted on a web site then it is fine.

                        Unless I have misunderstood, then I'm not sure that this would explain why you are not seeing your live images.

                        I've had a look at most of your pages and, for me, all the images displayed fine (and they are very good clear images btw) so as with Tracey this could be a local problem to your PC.

                        Just out of interest, when the page is displayed and the image is missing, can you right click on the image link and click on the properties. It should show you the address (URL) of the image. Then copy that URL and paste it into a new web page. It should then display just the image in the new page.

                        Just something to try to help move this problem forward (without delving into the dark world of Registry Editing )

                        Best Regards.


                          Hi again,
                          I'm assuming that the root of Steve's problem is the same as mine so I shall answer this too!
                          The images do display fine offline (ACtinic preview etc) but not at all online.
                          There is no indication of the image even being missing (except for the blank space, of course!)
                          They are not showing as broken images and there is no effect when you attempt to right click on the space where the image should be. It's just as if it's blank space.
                          I agree that it's probably PC-related. I have this trouble on other websites too
                          For instance, HERE This page shows as just a pale yellow background with blue footprints.
                          No logo, no link or anything. I cannot access the site at all from it's homepage, not even from where the link bbutton/image *should* be
                          V strange.
                          Thanks for your help


                            OK, Steve
                            This has been bugging me (it does periodically!) and I have narrowed it down to Norton.
                            I'm running 2004 Professional and, with Norton Internet Security DISABLED, I can view my images.
                            I'd be very interested to know if it makes a difference to your ability to view them too?


                              Hi Tracey,

                              I think I may have an idea which may help you.

                              The name of the image on the page is called "Banner.jpg" and I remember that when I used to use Norton Security it has an option to block banner ads by default. It could well be that it is spotting the name of the image, interpreting it as a banner ad and stripping it out of the html page before it gets to your browser.

                              If the owner of that site changes the image name to something other than banner.jpg (ie pitterpatter.jpg) the problem should be solved for you and other potential customers who use Norton.

                              Just need to work out why it was excluding the pram images on your site now... Do they also display ok with Norton off?

