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Visitors reporting Search Results not clickable???

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    Visitors reporting Search Results not clickable???

    We've only recently launched our new site (about 1 month), but we've had reports that visitors cannot click through to our main product pages from our search results

    We have a 'live help' system, so are able to watch and monitor activity as it happens and we're seeing a lot of visits to search results pages, but no click-thru' to the actual products.

    Most people search by brand so enter the site or have a link something like this...

    This page seems to work, but for some visitors if they then try to click a product, nothing happens.

    I noticed one of the ladies that reported this to us through our 'live help' had a reverse ip of and wondered whether the problem related to isp's like AOL that cache web pages?

    Does anyone have any clues or maybe experienced similar problems because I find this really worrying now I've discovered it's happening

    I tried searching the site but never got any results to click on??
    Owner of a broken heart


      Sorry Gary, I'm not sure I understand... the link in the first post should give the results of a 'brand search' for redken? does that not work for you?

      Also if you type in a word like 'shampoo' in our search box, does that not return any results for you either?


        If you use the page you linked to or seach for shampoo I can see results and clicking on these take me to the product.

        If I search for aromatherapy (it showed in the search box) then I dont get any results.

        A dropdown list appears but on closer examination it has wierd phrases in it for your line of business. image attached
        Attached Files
        Owner of a broken heart


          aren't those words in your cache Gary? aromatherapy doesn't return any results as we don't have any aromatherapy products...


            Can someone else try this.

            You know something they are in my cache. I checked on another actinic site and the same words are pulled up. Although they mean something to me they just relate to searches done on actinic sites and not on the web in general.

            I am going to dig a bit deeper. Thats 5 searches I have done so to your stats 5 lost vistors.
            Owner of a broken heart


              Hi Graham - the Redken search works okay for me - I can click through to any of the products with no problems, but I don't use AOL. I guess this doesn't help very much (nice site though!).


              Innovative and Original greetings cards for all occasions


                I can't recreate this either, tried several brand searches using different browsers.

                Whats your set up Gary?


                  Somehow your links are messed up. The path to the product is showing up as for the one that I tried.

                  Sorry but I'm not experienced enough with Actinic to offer a solution.
                  Located at Vancouver, Canada


           ................. I got that when using the link Graham supplied at the top of the page. But after clearing cookies and cache I got rid of that problem


                      Ya, I see what you mean. I cleared my cache and it worked. I also started from the root domain and entered new search criteria and it worked.
                      Located at Vancouver, Canada


                        I wonder if this could be related to a previous post in regards to long file names.

                        Located at Vancouver, Canada


                          I am quite worried about the operation of the search now as when I first went to the site the terms in my cache that appeared in the dropdown list looked like valid options to me.

                          I have noticed that these same terms appear whenever I use a search on an Actinic based site but not on any other site.

                          I have started a thread HERE about the search issue I have stumbled across
                          Owner of a broken heart


                            I'm still trying to figure out why some visitors report that search results are not always linking to the product page, and found this previous post which seems to involve a similar problem...

                            Search Results Not Linking to Products

                            Does anyone know why going to "View | Search Settings | Results" and untick "Highlight Located Text" would make a difference?

                            (is Nadeem about? )


                              Hi Graham,

                              Yes i am about

                              Okay when you untick "Highlight Located Text", you are not using the script in conjuntion with the Its possible there server may not have liked that, on that particular client server, so rather than using 2 search perlscript, we just use the one. I have been reading this thread with interest.

                              Gary please could you provide an example?

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

