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order numbers re-setting to 10000001

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    order numbers re-setting to 10000001

    My customer has a problem with order numbers when downloading orders.

    About 20 orders downloaded with out any problems then the following error window popped up

    Error decrypting orders

    Error occurred while downloading orders AL07DD10007089 order has been corrupted in transferring from server

    The following options were presented


    Remove was chosen to and the rest of the orders were downloaded but the order number had reset to 10000001. Further orders have been downloaded over the past few day with the order number incrementing by one each time up to 10000165. Yesterday the order numbers re-set again to 10000001 and began incrementing by 1 giving 10000002, 10000002, 10000003 etc. The customer uses the last four digits as the unique identifier of the order and now has duplicate order identifiers.

    Does anyone why the order numbers are re-setting to 10000001 and what the solution may be.

    One further point. The customer updates the site from one PC and uses another PC download the orders on. The site has been running for 14 months and on the same server and this is the first time the problem has occourred

    I don't why this happened, but if he goes into help>troubleshooting he can reset the order number back to where it was before.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Order numbers still re-setting


      Thanks for the advice. Resetting the order numbers worked for a couple of days, but they have re-set again to 10000001. Also, the vendor recieved the following automated email after a customer placed an order.

      Following error has been displayed The order lock files were corrupted on the site. The lock files are recovered but your incremental order is most likely lost. Please check the Order number section of the Troubleshooting dialog.

      Has anybody experienced a similar problem and if so what is the solution?


        Hi there

        When Actinic uses the orderlock.num file, it also has a backup.num file. If both or corrupted, then this could explain why you are getting continuing problems. If Actinic can't use the orderlock.num, it will try to use the backup.num.

        Might i suggest in FTP to your site, and go to the /acatalog/ folder. Simply find these two files and delete them.
        Once you have done this, simply go to "Help | Troubleshooting" and reset the order number again.

        The next time someone orders, because both the files are not on the server, Actinic will regenerate the files for you.

        Please try this

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          These files have been deleted and the order number re-set. This worked for about 5 days, but my customer has just contacted me and informed me that the order numbers have re-set back to 1000001 again. If the problem is due to the order.num and backup.num becoming corrupted why are being corrupted on a regular basis? Any answeres would be greatly appreciated


            Hi Richard

            Both of these files are controlled by the Actinic scripts. The scripts and permission are controlled by the server. It may be, you have the following issue. You may need to contact your hosting company to fix this issue. Please forward them the webpage i have passed you.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Hi Nadeem,

              I have followed the link you suggested and checked out the file permissions for perl scripts with my hosting provider. They can see no problems with the server as per the changes you detail that can cause the problems. All of the CGI scripts and the num data files are owend by the user.

              Nothing has changed on the server that can account for the problems with the num files becoming corrupted. Would it be helpful if we ran any of the tools from the "troubleshooting" window and sent you the results?

              Do you have any further ideas on what might be causing these problems?




                Yes, please send me the result of Web Site Analysis of this site please.
                I can't reproduce your problem, so I need some help from you
                Tamas Viola


                  I've checked the code and found the following:
                  The Order.num file contains the last seven digit of the order number, so it was reset to 1 and not to 10000001, which is eight digits long. There are two cases when the script reset the order number automatically:

                  - if the order number exceeds 9999999
                  - If any of these files are missing or not readable & writable by the effective CGI user

                  Does you ISP have some Journal file system, so they could detect, who access this file not counting Catalog scripts?
                  Tamas Viola


                    web site analysis enclosed

                    Hi Tamas,

                    I have carried out a web site analysis using Help > Trouble Shooting and have enclosed a copy of the file and hope this will be useful to determine the cause of the order numbers re-setting to zero.

                    I could not enclose the file and it can be viewed at

                    My customer contacted me yesterday and told me the order numbers had re-set to zero again.


                      Hi Richard

                      Our Developer is asking for your ftp details, so he can take a look into your site and find out why this is happening.

                      Please could you email communityadmin [@], and this will come to me.
                      Place the ftp details in a word documentation which is zipped up.

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        Hi Richard,

                        Thanks for providing the information. Our development team have been looking into it and have found the following:

                        I've modified the, so it will write a record into error.err if
                        this script recreates the order.num. I've saved a copy of original
               if anything goes wrong.

                        However, during the investigation, I've found lot of errors like this in
                        Error opening ../acatalog/62Z6Z139Z13A1105051007B2607.session (No space
                        left on device)
                        Which could explain the problem. If the disk is very near to full, then
                        sometimes it can happen, it can't create the Order.num file. As the
                        process sometimes deletes the lock file, if it stuck in, then creates the
                        new one. But if at that time there is no space left on the disk, it is
                        unsuccessful. The script tries again, then the file can be created, but as
                        it was not existing, the order number will be reset.
                        So please could you check your hosting company and see if you have exceed the disk quota on your website?

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development



                          Thanks for looking into this and modifying to write the error file.

                          I will check out the disc space issue.




                            Hi Nadeem,

                            The problems are still persisting with the order numbers.

                            The following 2 emails were recieved by the vendor automatically generated by actinic.

                            Original Message -----
                            From: <>
                            To: <>
                            Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 9:55 PM
                            Subject: Error in Catalog order

                            > Following error has been displayed to a customer: An error occurred while
                            > creating the order number lock file (../acatalog/Backup.num). The error
                            > was No such file or directory. Actinic ecommerce can not create a unique
                            > order number and can not continue. Please contact us directly with your
                            > order.

                            Original Message -----
                            From: <>
                            To: <>
                            Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 9:57 PM
                            Subject: Error in Catalog order

                            > Following error has been displayed to a customer: An error occurred while
                            > attempting to generate a unique order number. Actinic ecommerce is unable
                            > to lock the counter file. No such file or directory

                            The order numbers re-set to 0000001 again

                            I have just been on the shop4electricals site and succesfully placed an order.

                            Please can you look at the error file and see if you can determine the problem.

                            I have checked on the disc space and while the server is quite full there is about 30mb of free disc space.

                            This is becoming quite an issue with my customer and your help in helping to resovle the problem will be greatly appreciated.



                              Hi Richard

                              I will get this checked out by the developers.

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

