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cgi-bin problem?

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    cgi-bin problem?


    First off some background:

    We have/had an online store that was working correctly, fully functional at, that is using the Actinic Software. We recently changed the location of our office and we had to move our server that was hosting this site to our new location. While moving the server the IP address of the server was the only thing that changed.


    The site comes up without any problems. (I made changes in IIS and in some of the code) The problem we are having now is when we try to make a purchase. I can see it trying to contact the cgi-bin to get at scripts I'm assuming but it just sits there and doesn't get any further. It's like it is unable to run the scripts. Nothing has changed.

    Using a snapshot of the site to set it up again on the server but, it gives me an error with the snapshot, so that isn't an option.
    I tried even setting up a totally new site on this server and, no go.
    I tried setting up a new site on a totally different web server (this would be the ideal solution, to get it running on this new server), but when I try to setup my network connections in the software it hangs or gives an error and says something about the cgi-bin, it gives: 502 bad gateway error at the end.


    Has anyone ran into this problem? Also if we upgraded to the latest version of Actinic, would we be able to easily import our existing site into this new version? You can view the site at to see what is happening.

    Thanks in advance for your help...


    Hi Matt,

    Looking at your site, i'm getting the following error message:
    The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process.
    Hmm what has changed on the perl side of the hosting? Please could you check on that?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Hi Nadine,

      Nothing was changed as far as perl goes on the server. The only thing that has changed is the IP of the server and the location of the server. (We moved it to our new office). If anything has changed with perl would be that I might have re-installed it, during my attempts to get the store back online.
      It would have been re-installed to the same location that it was originally installed. Any other suggestions?

      New news:
      I downloaded version 7 from the site and I imported the snapshot into version 7. It seems to have imported successfully. I will test it out and give an update if I have one...




        Have you tried running the 'Test' feature on 'Advanced | Network Settings'? This will establisg whether the re-located server is still able to run Actinic scripts - and if there is a problem, you will hopefully get a message with some possible solutions.

        Also, have you done a 'Web | Refresh Website' since moving servers. If not, then I strongly recommend that you do.




          These are the errors I receive when I run the Test settings in the network settings:

          The web server returned an unexpected error. The server response was 502 - Gateway Error. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration

          The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts.

          I get the same thing when I run configure web site details...ideas?



            It looks like your web server is having problems processing the Perl scripts. This could be because your web server cannot execute perl scripts. It is worth checking with your hosting company about this.

            If they tell you that Actinic should be working, then maybe consider opening an Actinic support email ticket at and the team can take a look at your settings and try and work out what the problems are.

            I have to say, I am not optimistic that you will find a solution that will keep the existing site functioning correctly. 9 times out of 10 a problem like this requires a re-upload of the Actinic site from the PC. Sorry about that.



              We are hosting the server ourselves, so I have full control over the server.
              I will try a support ticket to see if they can solve the problems...

              Thanks for the help. If there are any other suggestions, let me know.



