My online shop displays sheet music ( To accommodate all the variations on a theme associated with such products I have set up a load of custom properties and amended the product templates to include these additional variables (composer, arranger, instrumentation etc).
It appears that searching on criteria which is only included in the custom properties doesn't work properly on my site. To explain further: If I search for 'Wilby', the results come back with 2 hits. If I then select 'Lowry Sketchbook' from this results list, the link works well and the 'Wilby' is successfully highlighted in this specific piece, but there is another piece by 'Wilby' on the same page which never appeared in the search results, and has no highlight on the search text. Surely this can't be right?
Any ideas?
It appears that searching on criteria which is only included in the custom properties doesn't work properly on my site. To explain further: If I search for 'Wilby', the results come back with 2 hits. If I then select 'Lowry Sketchbook' from this results list, the link works well and the 'Wilby' is successfully highlighted in this specific piece, but there is another piece by 'Wilby' on the same page which never appeared in the search results, and has no highlight on the search text. Surely this can't be right?
Any ideas?