Is there a way of increasing the amount of text/characters that Actinic allows by default to be entered in this field? I need to add a more text, but Actinic won't allows it.
Sorry I meant that text which appears above the text entry box. In Actinic Product Section under the Layout tab, their is a field which allows you to enter the text which will appear above the text entry box. How I can I increase the amount of text I can enter in this box, not the box which the user types in?
Use a Custom Property, e.g. go to Advanced / Custom Properties and create one called EXTRAINFO
Now in your Product Template replace NETQUOTEVAR:OTHERINFOPROMPT with
and now whatever you enter into EXTRAINFO in Product Details / Properties will be prepended to the usual Other Info Prompt.
If you need a huge amount of such info then either use more CustomVar's or copy the product template to a new file and hard code the prompt in there, and use it only for these products.
ive followed what you said, but can i do this so that it will only show on certain pruduct pages. The only way i can see is if i was to create a`template for each product that requires alternative text.
If you have followed Normans suggestion it should work - if you don't specify the extra info against the product the field will remain blank (it may possibly leave a small space however) - ensure you specify the customvar against the product and not in the site defaults.