I am interested to know if anyone has any code arrays for generating random displays, such as banners?
...and where I apply - just primary templates?
...and where I apply - just primary templates?
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- /* You can get this script and many others by visiting JavaScript City at: http://www.javascriptcity.com . */ pic_width=468; /*change to match the height of all your images */ pic_height=60; /* change to match the width of all your images */ border_size=0; /* change to the border size you want on the images */ alignment=1; /* 0=left,1=center */ /* define image urls */ if (document.images) { pic1= new Image(pic_width,pic_height); pic1.src="http://someplace.com/image1.gif"; pic2= new Image(pic_width,pic_height); pic2.src="http://someplace.com/image2.gif"; pic3= new Image(pic_width,pic_height); pic3.src="http://someplace.com/image3.gif"; pic4= new Image(pic_width,pic_height); pic4.src="http://someplace.com/image4.gif"; pic5= new Image(pic_width,pic_height); pic5.src="http://someplace.com/image5.gif"; //add in refs to own images } /* no need to edit past this point (unless you want to add more image slots) */ if (alignment==1) { cent_it="<CENTER>"; cent_it2="<\/CENTER>"; } else { cent_it=""; cent_it2=""; } function get_random(maxNum) { if (Math.random && Math.round) { var ranNum= Math.round(Math.random()*(maxNum-1)); ranNum+=1; return ranNum; } else { today= new Date(); hours= today.getHours(); mins= today.getMinutes(); secn= today.getSeconds(); if (hours==19) hours=18; var ranNum= (((hours+1)*(mins+1)*secn)%maxNum)+1; return ranNum; } } function get_Image() { if (document.images) { var choose_one= get_random(5); choose_one--; var pics= new Array(5) pics[0]=pic1.src; pics[1]=pic2.src; pics[2]=pic3.src; pics[3]=pic4.src; pics[4]=pic5.src; document.write(cent_it+"<IMG SRC='"+pics[choose_one]+"' width='"+pic_width+"' height='"+pic_height+"' border='"+border_size+"'>"+cent_it2); } } //--> </SCRIPT
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- get_Image() //--> </SCRIPT>