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New Actinic User - Advice please

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    New Actinic User - Advice please

    Hi, I am currently designing the 'Shopping Cart' pages for our website and the company has somebody that designs the front pages for us. (Unfortunately my boss and I do not have a clue in web designing), Please can some one take a look and advise me on what can be improved.

    Thank you


    Hi Lorretta, welcome to the forum.

    the site looks well... easy to navigate, lots of info, your contact details clear and prominent. A couple of pages I looked at did not have any description or keywords set up - these are added at each section level (under meta tags tab) and aid search engines - would be worth checking all section have that information added.

    Looking at the returns policy I am not sure that entirely complies with the distance selling regulations! May be worth double checking for compliance.

    Hope the site does well for you.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thank you very much for your advice, we are looking into the Terms and Conditions at the moment!! So much to do with very little time!!


        Jont, I have added some Meta Descriptions into the sections, but how do you know that they are there? Where do I look?


          You need to look at the source code of the page (either the previewed page or the generated website page) - in Internet Explorer right click in free space and select "view source"

          Towards the very top of the page you will (hopefully) see

          <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="blah blah blah">
          <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="blah blah blah">

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Thank you very much for your help John.


              If I have a section called Combination Ladders and a sub section called DIY combination ladders, can I put the 'Combination Ladders' under both sections in the Meta Keywords. Or is is that classed as repetition?

              Sorry to be so awkward, i just want to get it right.



                As long as the keywords are relevent to the page they are on then you should be OK. Don't forget to include other words that users may use in a search to find an item eg combi ladders ... as a supplier for your products it is often easy to forget that not everyone has the same terminology or understanding what a product is.

                Look at the product or section page and decide what are the key points / features that you would put down in a bullet list to describe what the page is all about. Try and then incorporate those into the product name and description whilst still making it readable to a human and then add them into the META boxes.

                Search engines don't like being tricked into thinking a page is about something it is not or by repetitive loading of the page. If it reads fine to a human it should be OK to a search engine.


                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

