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Subsection layouts

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    Subsection layouts

    In the process of re-designing my site.

    At the moment when you click on a subsection link (eg dog products, dog beds) you then get a list in 2 colums of the sub sections of bed types (pet heaters, hammock beds etc)

    What I would like to do create another section which will contain all the dog beds and to have the following.

    VIEW ALL DOG BEDS - centered and then in 2 colums as it currently is.

    Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how to do it. I've looked at modifying templates, but Design! Options!Sections doesn't seem to allow for this.


    Kathy Newman


    Assuming you have 3 sections as follows within a section:

    Dog Beds.
    All Dog Beds
    Pet Heaters
    Hammock Beds

    Within the Dog Beds section, click into the Layout tab and enable the "Override Default Settings" for the location and arrangement of section lists...

    Set the list placement to default, and first column row count to 1 and subsequent to 2...

    That should then lay that sections ( sub - sections) out 1 row and then 2 per row there after...

    If you are using further levels of sub-sections within these, then check those off afterwards to ensure you get the section layouts you want further and further down..


      Thanks for that - it works in that I get the All Dog Beds heading on it's own and then the other subsections below it in 2 columns.

      However what it doesn't do is centre the All Dog Beds section in the middle of the columns underneath eg below

      Any more suggestions!!??


      Kathy Newman


        That will be down to how your main content area is aligned...

        i.e. within the new design you are creating, there will be a point where the main content area of your design begins, which you will need to assign to aligned="center" etc etc, but this will affect everything that uses the main area, so you would then need to adjust things like the sitemap template to left aligned and the like, so more and more work afraid.

