In the process of re-designing my site.
At the moment when you click on a subsection link (eg dog products, dog beds) you then get a list in 2 colums of the sub sections of bed types (pet heaters, hammock beds etc)
What I would like to do create another section which will contain all the dog beds and to have the following.
VIEW ALL DOG BEDS - centered and then in 2 colums as it currently is.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how to do it. I've looked at modifying templates, but Design! Options!Sections doesn't seem to allow for this.
At the moment when you click on a subsection link (eg dog products, dog beds) you then get a list in 2 colums of the sub sections of bed types (pet heaters, hammock beds etc)
What I would like to do create another section which will contain all the dog beds and to have the following.
VIEW ALL DOG BEDS - centered and then in 2 colums as it currently is.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how to do it. I've looked at modifying templates, but Design! Options!Sections doesn't seem to allow for this.