Hi - I am running Actinic Business v7.04.
I had a set images under the actinic default folder on my PC. For maintenenace reasons I have created a subfolder under actinic and moved them there.
These were also listed under my "Additional Files" tab so I removed them from there and then added them from their new subfolder.
When I try to upload the site I get the error message
I have tried compacting the database and refreshing the website but still get the error message.
The additional files tab and the access table "additional files" only displays the files in the new subfolder.
I cannot see this error listed under v7.05 fixes.
1. Is this a bug?
2. Is there a table I can delete them from so that I can reload my site?
I had a set images under the actinic default folder on my PC. For maintenenace reasons I have created a subfolder under actinic and moved them there.
These were also listed under my "Additional Files" tab so I removed them from there and then added them from their new subfolder.
When I try to upload the site I get the error message
Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have unique names. Please check the list of files in Advanced | Additional Files.
Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic.
C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Enjoy\back_a.gif
C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Enjoy\Images\generic\back_a.gif
Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic.
C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Enjoy\back_a.gif
C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Enjoy\Images\generic\back_a.gif
The additional files tab and the access table "additional files" only displays the files in the new subfolder.
I cannot see this error listed under v7.05 fixes.
1. Is this a bug?
2. Is there a table I can delete them from so that I can reload my site?