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Keywords and Descriptions

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    Also Derek, why is it that the highest PR ranking on your sites is 3 and the rest dont even have a ranking?



      Does this mean you judge how good a site is by its PR?
      Curtain Poles


        Derek - I have been trying to get the PR does NOT count message across for a few months!

        Good luck
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          I disagree with your theory for Google.
          I dont agree with the meta data, or 2 way linking.

          I have a site with a PR4 and so far this month it has 29 visits......yes 29!

          The hockeystop dropped from 4 to 3 in the recent google shake up, what does this mean? perhaps it is an inverse marker because my placings in search engine rose and my hits increased and my orders increased!

          PR is a false marker.

          Quality targetted traffic is what counts because that is what pays the bills, people who buy off the site are more important than visits or PR.

          What do you mean by image mapping ?

          There are some good postings going around about promotion stuff and SEO, I have been involved with some good debate over last few days.

          See other posts from wjcampbe and altfocmed for some good information.
          Curtain Poles


            Derek - I have been trying to get the PR does NOT count message across for a few months!
            Thanks for your support, there is a lot of copy written about PR and if you want a high PR then buy Arellis and IBP and bombard every link conceivable down every avenue possible in every language out there.

            Maybe I am missing something......!!
            Curtain Poles



              Now im not going to get in a heated debate of whether you think PR is a good thing or not. I have my methods of marketing and have turned my site from producing no sales to £60,000 gross in one year.

              Three cheers for me i hear you say....

              Now if we all knew the secrets of marketing then we would all be on the first page of the SE's under some very competitive keywords e.g motorcycle parts.

              Nobody knows the rules of the Google robots.

              How I do it myself is I put myself in the position of the google robot .... This is what I base my site developement on and it seems to work for me ;-)
              If i was Google what would i be looking for....

              I firstly look at all the code and work through the links and make sure that my pages return back to the index page so the google bot can then proceed to the next link.. Otherwise not all your pages will get cached. the code has to flow.

              Title pages - these are very relevant to google if they are also part of your site content

              Descriptions - relevant to how you want your descriptions to be seen in the SE's

              Keywords - debaitable - but relevant if they are part of your site content

              Linking from other high PR sites to yours and visa versa are relevant and powerful.

              Example If you have a link from highly rated site like Virgin (which I did) from the sites index page then google rewards the linked site. You basically inherit some of the PR as Google thinks that your site must be of some importance to have a link from such i high ranking site. The knock on effect for Virgin is they may lose some of there PR ranking due to being linked to not such a high ranking site.

              I have done this myself, my site was a PR5 i linked it to the index page of my new site which had no ranking. My new site jumped to a PR 3 and my site dropped to a PR 4.

              My advise would be to keep you code simple, your content relevant, and never be sucked in to this quick marketing scams. e.g doorway pages, linking farms etc. Google will catch up with you in the end. The more content, the more high ranking links, the bigger the site, the moor powerful you will get.

              Image Mapping.... now thats a marketing trick im not going to reveal...

              Now you can argue this but i believe keeping things simple and not trying to scam the SE's


                Heres the proof of my methods.....

                The site was performing badly untill i thought things through and done my site redesign in September 2004

                Last 20 Months Unique Visitors

                Mar 3084

                Apr 2943

                May 2664

                Jun 2461

                Jul 2055

                Aug 1504

                Sep 5263

                Oct 6593

                Nov 7265

                Dec 6849

                Jan 10198

                Feb 12492

                Mar 16956

                Apr 14605

                May 19436

                Jun 17830

                Jul 20892

                Aug 21496

                Sep 17203


                  Derek lets take for example.

                  1. The title you have for that page isnt repeated in the content therefore irelevant to that page.

                  The title elements have to be repeated on the page no more than 3 times ;-)

                  This works for links, and keywords.....

                  Really study my site (index page), i can assure you im not a muppet, there are reasons for everything.

                  Apart from the Alt="" ;-)



                    never suggested nor implied you were a muppet.

                    Thought the idea of this forum was to post thoughts around and pass on information of use to others!

                    Offering help and advice at times on this forum is tricky business.

                    shall I read postings from someone who needs help and either....

                    a) answer question and offer some advice
                    b) ignore question and sit smugly in the knowledge that my site is doing fine so why not keep it close to my chest
                    c) not point out something that may be obvious to some people but not to everyone and may end up costing someone a lot of time and wasted money

                    Well, seems the answer depends on differing factors.

                    Feel free to rip to bits / comment/ offer advice on any of my sites that are posted. Not everything is always as it seems.

                    I am also learning on this forum that advice or help is very often seen as harsh criticism!

                    I think you certainly have the wrong idea about things
                    Curtain Poles


                      Its not personal...

                      I appreciate your advice and taken what you say on board.

                      This is the problem with SE stuff, everyone has a view....

                      I believe You were saying that linking doesnt work, i was trying to explain my views on how i worked my site.....

                      Im certainly not critising your site just addng some of my ideas..... Perhaps you may want to try them.

                      I didnt say you were refering to me as muppet, i was just trying to say that i have some knowledge in the area and was trying to back the knowledge with some evidence.

                      Thanks for your advice and thoughts


                        I get requests from people who - for strategic reasons - who want to link back to my site as soon as they got a new site to get a higher Google ranking because they know that certain links will improve their standing in the search engine. My site is listed in Google, MSN and Yahoo.
                        I personally tried pay per clicks ads and that actually reduced my ranking on the overall engines because they want to make money and they think, getting people to pay is their first priority. If you do not want to spend that money on pay pre click, so it is just important to get keywords and item descriptions sorted on each page, apart from links. Also they seem to go by the quality of a page and "how often a page changes". I am completely tired of all of this and installed my own links directory, works exactly like Yahoo and I put in the sites I want and keep others out. The problem with these big search engines is that millions of sites scramble to get to the top and that is how they make the money. List on my directory and pass it on to your friends and it doesn't cost you nothing, you can even get a search box to put on your site.
                        Whizz Shop


                          web ceo

                          Thanks for this tip. I have downloaded the software and its looks good.

                          Sally Dickson
                          Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

                          The Official Paddington Bear Shop
                          The Official Bang on the Door Shop
                          The Official Flower Fairies Shop
                          The Official Miffy shop
                          The Official Maisy Shop


