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    Originally posted by wjcampbe
    My flabber is gasted - so sorry....

    This time I looked in depth and my attention was drawn to this code
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
    function StockLevels(pItem)
    var strIDs = 'Stock Message: '
    I believe the <!-- is out of place. Try
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
    function StockLevels(pItem)
    var strIDs = 'Stock Message: '
    Dear William

    this code is as quoted in the Advanced Userguide on page 17 and is related to the stock levels in my store. It works very well as it is and it does not affect the cart problem. I have had the cart problem since day one. It always has been like this even before I did anything else to the store.
    Whizz Shop


      In the OP you appear to be using braces instead of brackets in the code ... you should use:

      <script language="JavaScript">
      document.write("Cart Contents:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Items&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(3)+"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
      document.write("Value&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(1)+"&nbsp;");
      That code is copied from a site with the contents on 1 single line so you may need to add in some <br /> tags and remove the spaces to suit your site


      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Just as a note in the prevoius posting you are best avoiding using <br /> codes inside the Javascript - best to place them at the end of the previous line as Bills post

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Originally posted by jont
          In the OP you appear to be using braces instead of brackets in the code ... you should use:

          <script language="JavaScript">
          document.write("Cart Contents:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Items&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(3)+"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
          document.write("Value&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(1)+"&nbsp;");
          That code is copied from a site with the contents on 1 single line so you may need to add in some <br /> tags and remove the spaces to suit your site

          Dear jont, can't resist calling you fat face.

          I have tried your script. Thanks for trying, but it doesn't solve the problem, still the samea s before the cart contents only show within the checkout pages but not in the store pages. This has got to do with the script and I am not sure I would want to go there without expert advice.
          Just a shame as this function should have been included in the price.
          Whizz Shop


            I am not sure I would want to go there without expert advice.
            How about contacting Actinic Support directly via ? I think they might count as experts


              Thanks Mr Dicken, I am aware of Actinic Support system, but I am not willing to pay their fees. I have paid almost £1,000 for this software and this functionality should be included in the price. If I now contact actinic they will charge in the region of £300 to solve this problem for me and I consider this not an option. I rather just don't use this as the shop runs without this but it would be nice to have it.
              Whizz Shop


                Email support is free. I hope it is of use to you.


                  Dear Mr Dicken

                  I have had a very fast and pretty unusable reply from the Actinic specialist, telling me that the script does not call up correctly between the html and cgi files because they are in different directories.

                  it is quite usual for html and cgi files to be in different directories and if they don't relate properly to each other i would have thought this is a scripting problem and how the pl files are configures, what do you think?

                  I run a lot of cgi scripts, which I configure myself and if you visit my site you see how they all work perfectly, however the Actinic Scripts I rather don't touch.

                  Being told to contact my ISP about this, wouldn't work at all because they would just refer me back to you.
                  Even in the beginning when I first got the script no one at your firm could even help me with installing it at Demon and I had to figure this out myself. It seems your company is rather interested in getting people to host with yourselves rather then getting the actinic to work on other servers.
                  Whizz Shop


                    Originally posted by whizz
                    Dear jont, can't resist calling you fat face.

                    Originally posted by whizz
                    It seems your company is rather interested in getting people to host with yourselves rather then getting the actinic to work on other servers.
                    Pound to a penny more people host with their own ISP than with Actinic

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      I have had a very fast and pretty unusable reply from the Actinic specialist, telling me that the script does not call up correctly between the html and cgi files because they are in different directories.
                      Hi johanna

                      I've just had a look at your site. The problem is that the cgi-bin folder and the acatalog folder are actually under different domain names

                      Store pages -
                      CGI-bin -

                      The javascript relies on these two being on the same domain. This is why it isn't working. Sorry, but with the current set up for the cgi bin, you will not be able to use this feature.

                      Also, Actinic does not offer web hosting.


                        Originally posted by cdicken
                        Hi johanna

                        I've just had a look at your site. The problem is that the cgi-bin folder and the acatalog folder are actually under different domain names

                        Store pages -
                        CGI-bin -

                        The javascript relies on these two being on the same domain. This is why it isn't working. Sorry, but with the current set up for the cgi bin, you will not be able to use this feature.

                        Also, Actinic does not offer web hosting.
                        If the rest of the script is working then theoretically this should be configurable, I shall give this some more thought, whether it is possible to call the script in the cgi bin directly and reflect the values back to the shop pages.
                        Last edited by whizz; 16-Nov-2005, 05:27 PM. Reason: correcting
                        Whizz Shop


                          That's a no, no. The code simply cannot be extracted and shown as a direct out-side link.
                          I have done something, which is even better than the display of the cart total in the shop pages. I display the cart contents as a floating window over the shop pages, so shoppers can move this window to where ever they like and see the complete cart contents all the time whilst shopping and since the window is scrollable they can even carry out functions like delete items from the cart or use checkout from there. I think that keeps me happy.
                          Whizz Shop

