Having made one of my usual errors
I need to import a snapshot.
On import I get 2 FATAL ERRORS;
(File ImportBackup.cpp, Line 316) - Archive error 5 - The compression operation failed
Library error - Can not open file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\apartyshop\ActinicCatalog.ldb ! has been caught.
(File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 284) - Archive error 13 - Extract selected files call failed
Library error - Error creating file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\apartyshop\ActinicCatalog.mdb ! has been caught.
I'm using Actinic Developer V.
Any ideas?
This alongside Protx problems and some hosting issues, I'm not having a great couple of days, so any help would be appreciated.

On import I get 2 FATAL ERRORS;
(File ImportBackup.cpp, Line 316) - Archive error 5 - The compression operation failed
Library error - Can not open file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\apartyshop\ActinicCatalog.ldb ! has been caught.
(File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 284) - Archive error 13 - Extract selected files call failed
Library error - Error creating file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\apartyshop\ActinicCatalog.mdb ! has been caught.
I'm using Actinic Developer V.
Any ideas?
This alongside Protx problems and some hosting issues, I'm not having a great couple of days, so any help would be appreciated.