Is there a problem using COMMAND 61054 in a custom navigator to open up "Online Support". It doesnt seem to work.
I have an email address in the vendor.ini such as SupportLink=""
In actinic if i go to HELP > Online Support......the link works fine, it opens up the default email client as planned.
But if i go into my custom navigator and click the hotspot associated with this command it doesnt even make the hotspot highlight. The code im using is
Is it just me? Im tearing my hair out.
Any help appreciated
I have an email address in the vendor.ini such as SupportLink=""
In actinic if i go to HELP > Online Support......the link works fine, it opens up the default email client as planned.
But if i go into my custom navigator and click the hotspot associated with this command it doesnt even make the hotspot highlight. The code im using is
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Is it just me? Im tearing my hair out.
Any help appreciated