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Help with runtime error please

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    Thanks Norman - That's brilliant.

    I've taken out the single quotes and it worked straight away.

    Jan mentioned something a while ago about removing &'s from section / sub-section names and replacing with the word and instead (which I've already done) so thought it might be something like that. I'd already removed a few sets of double exclamation marks from the text sections just in case too. It didn't at all occur to me to check the titles and section heads this time and I didn't realise that single quotes could cause a problem.

    Are there any other symbols that I should know to steer clear of?

    So far I now know to be careful with & and ' and ! but are there any others that can cause problems?

    Thanks again.



      There's no definitive list but double quotes ( " ) and the diamond brackets ( < > ) are probably worth avoiding too.

      Your problem was that the single quotes would have been OK on a standard Actinic site but they broke a bit of add-on code. There really should have been a note against that patch warning about this.

      I wrote that patch (it appeared in a thread on this Forum) and the perils of single quotes probably got mentioned but didn't make it into the Advanced Guide copy.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks again Norman.

        There's so much to remember but I'll get the hang of it all one day.

        Bye for now.

