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Error on site merge Security password & username?

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    Error on site merge Security password & username?

    I am getting a merge error when refreshing my site/or uploading it.

    "bad catalog username or password. Check housekeeping | security settings and try again. If that fails try refreshing the site.

    My Authorisation key Busv7 number is fine - but i see a username and password which i did not set up - i guess they are the default username and password that the Authorisation key placed? But that is a guess and the error suggests there is an issue??

    Any ideas??

    Thanks Graeme


    Looks like the username or password is the issue here. Try this and let me know how it goes. Go into Housekeeping | Security and check the 'Username' and 'Password' fields. Change the password by adding an additional character to the existing bit and then refresh the site.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      hi yes i did that and while i am not getting the previous security error, my site still fails to merge at the end of either a request or refresh - i suspect its the cgi bin as no cgi-bin links function - I get

      The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

      Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib . cgi-bin) at D:\websites\activ4\www\language\cgi-bin\ line 17.

      Any ideas, this is furstrating, as i have previously uploaded many an Actinic site successfully



        I would suggest doing a purge and refresh of the site. This will replace any modified scripts with the original scripts so I would suggest taking a backup of any modified / changed scripts. Once done, in Advanced | Troubleshooting | click the 'Website Purge and Refresh..' button.

        Let me know if it works once done.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Thanks - for i am not sure what happend - but to overcome the problem and ensuing failure to merge i moved the site to another hosting server -

          Thanks anyway for your reply

