I have just gone live with Protx but when I place a test order I get to the screen: "You will now be automatically transferred to the Protx VSP secure server to process your credit card details with complete confidence. " but nothing happens it just sits there with no forwarding.
It worked fine in test mode but as soon as I switched to production mode it does not work.
The only difference I noticed is that in test mode I had to click the 'next' buton in production mode there is no 'next' button.
I have read the other post about this but I do have the onload statement in my body tag.
If anybody wants to have a look, I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
I've refreshed the site several times in case a piece of code had been missed, now on suffix 2 just in case. I've also put the Actinic encryption password in both the PROTX pl files in sites/site1/commonOCC and in OCCUpgrade/commonOCC just in case I was updating the wrong one
I have just gone live with Protx but when I place a test order I get to the screen: "You will now be automatically transferred to the Protx VSP secure server to process your credit card details with complete confidence. " but nothing happens it just sits there with no forwarding.
It worked fine in test mode but as soon as I switched to production mode it does not work.
The only difference I noticed is that in test mode I had to click the 'next' buton in production mode there is no 'next' button.
I have read the other post about this but I do have the onload statement in my body tag.
If anybody wants to have a look, I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
I've refreshed the site several times in case a piece of code had been missed, now on suffix 2 just in case. I've also put the Actinic encryption password in both the PROTX pl files in sites/site1/commonOCC and in OCCUpgrade/commonOCC just in case I was updating the wrong one