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Section and sub-section links

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    Section and sub-section links

    I thought I'd posted this question yesterday but a search of all forums doesn't reveal it. Please forgive me if it appears twice for some reason.

    I've set up an extra html page called Act_SectionLine_3col.html so I can set out a page of thumbnails for one of the product ranges. I've followed the instructions given in the Actinic design manual (pp25 & 26).

    The problem is that I get what I want in the sub-section controlling that product range but it also seems to affect the section above it by making 3 columns there also. That results in my text for the section being squeezed into a centre column.

    I don't understand how a sub-section can affect the layout of the section above it. I've tried every combination of Section Link layouts and overrides that I can think of without success.

    All other sections behave as expected with the default settings.

    Can anybody help please?


    Hi Ken

    The arrangement of section links are defined in Design | Options | Sections tab | Default Location and Arrangement of Section Lists. You can set the number of rows and columns for the sections accordingly. I would suggest you to make sure that you use a different template for the sub-section on which you want to lay the products into three columns while the rest of the subsections using "Use parent"

    I hope this helps.

    Dhivya Malani


      Hi Dhivya

      Thanks for your comments. Perhaps I didn't explain clearly enough. I don't want to alter default layout settings, only the section as defined below.

      The layout in question is as follows:-
      Section: Belts & Saddlery/Section: Belts/Sub-sections: 1 for Each Product.

      'Belts & Saddlery' - Section Link Layout: "Use Parent". No overrides set.

      'Belts'. Section Link Layout: "Act_SectionLine_3col.html". (Created from Act_SectionLine.html by following the instructions in Actinic design manual pages 25 and 26 in order to set up a page of thumbnails in 3 columns). Override Default Settings is ticked and the number of columns set to 3 in both 'First' and 'Subsequent' rows.

      This works fine from the 'Belts' section onwards. The trouble is it affects the parent section ('Belts & Saddlery') by squeezing my text in that section into a narrow central column. I want the 'Belts & Saddlery' section to have a single, full width column with an image on the left of the text (exising standard section layout option) and I can't get this to work.

      If I try an override in the section 'Belts & Saddlery' to give a first row of 1 column followed by 3 columns, nothing appears on either the 'Belts & Saddlery' or the 'Belts' catalog pages except the navigation strings top and bottom.


      15 Jun - no ideas then?


        Hi Ken

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this.

        I think the problem is you need to select the 'Act_SectionLine_3col.html' as the 'Section Link Layout' for your product sub-sections rather than for the 'Belts' section.


          Hi Ken

          I have tested it out on my default site as well and chris's post would be the way out to get it working.

          Dhivya Malani


            TVM Chris & Dhivya.

            That's solved it.


