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Error on uploading site for the first time ........

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    check it again if you will.
    At that root address, I see an Under Construction page.

    However, that setting controls whether or not any existing holding page in the domain root is overwritten by the Actinic Brochure page. It has nothing at all to do with the /acatalog/ folder. Try it yourself, click your base link, then add /acatalog/ to the browser address bar.

    Your are not in a folder, you are in a subfolder of a folder - I know a lot of people do this, but I really don't see how it helps. Much easier to just put the images straight into site1 and avoid the problems. That said, I am currently developing a site where I have the images in SiteName/images/imagename.jpg format and they have all uploaded successfully.

    Checkout and basket - did you do something in dreamweaver - capturing data from the preview folder and then saving it back over the site 1 original?

    The quicksearch - yes - you are using a button and not the standard image, my error.

    I would recommend you get rid of the subfolder forest, after first moving all your images into site 1, then revisit all the links and check any hardcoding in the templates. A lot of work, but the only sure solution.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      CSS missing too ? and Actinic Logo ?

      Hi Bill,

      I've got onto the Host on the index.html page, it sems to have reverted to their default Login screen.

      OK, more importantly the folders and images scenario.

      I was slightly incorrect all of the index page graphics and images are in Site1, see attachment ...

      Checkout and Basket, not sure what I did here but i have changed as the orignal template to :
      View Basket > netquotevar:NAVBCARTLINK
      Checkout > netquotevar:NAVBCHECKOUT LINK

      Sounds more like it.

      I will get rid of the subfolder forest if the above reason for these images not uploading prevails.

      Else, there must be something else wrong, I would conclude ?

      Also, is it me or did the actinic.css not upload, none of my text looks like it should, and does not lead to anything accept Page Not Found.

      Also, I noticed the "Powered by Actinic Logo" is missing .... its definately in Site 1 ??

      What do you think....Simon?
      Attached Files
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
      ... download once use as many times as you like !


        I've got onto the Host on the index.html
        No, nothing to do with the host. You created the /acatalog/ folder in the webspace and it is up to you to protect it from listing the folder content. All you need do is open notepad, file - save as - all files, index.html on your C: drive root, then add that file to be uploaded in advanced | additional files.

        That's it - no actual content in the file.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          I'm not with you ?

          Explain further, Actinic created /acatalog, I just input some network settings and off we go, tying to use as many standard Actinic activities as possible.

          In fact everything I have done to date is Actinic standard activities, initiated by pushing menu buttons ?

          Still no one is having a go at guessing why I have inconsistent file uploading, even the Actinic Logo for example

          Thanks, Simon.

          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
          ... download once use as many times as you like !


            Folder contents will always be visible if there is no index.html in a folder.

            Simon has chosen to change the Base Page Name from index.html to shop.html, thus the contents of acatalog are visible to the world. Personally I don't know why actinic allows this.

            The reason why Actinic is not uploading the images is because it doesn't know where they are.

            Could you post your ACT_PRIMARY so we can see what the image pathnames are within the html



              See attachment, there is an index.hml and I set Actinic so, I am confused on Bills' take on this, as i said, i accessed my site several times todayand it seems to be bouncing around between my home page and the pinbrook default Control Panel.

              But, a) index.html exists, it always has, and b) Actinic has always been set as so ........ unless I am completely up the wrong tree .... which the way I feel rightnow is possible!

              The reason why Actinic is not uploading the images is because it doesn't know where they are.
              Why doesn't it, they are linked using Actinic, and as I have suggested previously, Actinic will not let you APPLY links to images in Products, Sections or Fragments unless it is relevant.

              I am sorry but Actinic is playing silly buggers with me!

              Oh b*****S, I'm going to bed the poxy image i attached isn't displaying on my machine. Good night !
              Attached Files
              your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
              ... download once use as many times as you like !



                Firstly the index page issue. Within your site there will be 2 index.html files one in the root, the other within acatalog.

                the one at root is the brochure page, I hope within actinic you have called it index.html. the 2nd index.html is within acatalog, this should be called index.html (change it in design|options|site defaults base page name) I would change it from shop.html to index.html as thisis better for site security.

                When actinic uploads the brochure index it puts it in the root,

                I rarely use brochure pages but I feel the best way to reference them is with the full URL to avoid further confusion ie


                You will probably also ned to change your hrefs too from




                ____________ end of brochure index

                start of acatalog index _________________

                rename shop.html with index.html as suggested above. When actinic uploads you will then get

                Check your pathnames to images are simply
                src="hdr2_r7_c7.gif" and background="rhsbg.gif"

                and not background="../images/box_b.gif"

                assuming all images are now in site1 these will upload (they will end up in acatalog folder in webspace - thus brochure pages will be able to get to them to - even though we have hard coded them for brochure.

                If there are any stray images not uploaded place these in additional files (make sure they are in site1 and do not try to add any folder directory to the image name in additional files - not that I think it will let you) But do not resort to additional files until we have exausted all efforts to get actinic uploading properly.

                You will also need to change the hrefs as these are translating to

                <a href="../acatalog/prohibition_safety_signs.html">PROHIBITION</a>

                this means the visitor will be taken up a folder to find the page, which won't be there

                these should be

                <a href="prohibition_safety_signs.html">PROHIBITION</a>


                  do this one step at a time.

                  first work on images for acatalog/index.html, upload

                  then do the brochure images, upload

                  then do acatalog hrefs, upload

                  brochure hrefs, upload

                  by breaking it into smaller jobs you should reduce the confusion


                    Getting there !!!

                    Hi Jo,

                    Done as you said ....

                    1. Brochure Home is index.html and Catalogue Home is /acatlog/index.html
                    Q. For my personal education, why is this more secure as you suggested?

                    2. Full domains in links. i.e ../acatalog/index.html is now

                    3. What did this mean ?
                    ____________ end of brochure index

                    start of acatalog index _________________
                    4. I have checked pathnames, and these seem to have sorted themselves out, however my image upload problem certainly has not ! All images you see have been manually uploaded using the Webshell in my Control Panel.

                    I dare say i will end up moving all 6-700 images to Site1, but no-one has really got to the bottom of this or commented on the lack of for example, the Actinic logo, which would have been located by..... Actinic !

                    See my problem with point 4 ?

                    Thanks, Simon.
                    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                    ... download once use as many times as you like !



                      Hi Simon,

                      Q. For my personal education, why is this more secure as you suggested?
                      That is to prevent someone typing in yourdomainname/acatalog/index.html and getting a list of the contents of the folder ans sub folders within it.

                      ____________ end of brochure index

                      start of acatalog index _________________
                      By this my understanding is that it ended the explanation of the Brochure index and then started what you need to do for your acatalog index.

                      but no-one has really got to the bottom of this or commented on the lack of for example, the Actinic logo, which would have been located by..... Actinic !
                      Where is the Logo image stored? Is it in the Site1 folder or a sub folder? I would suggest using the Site1 folder and accordingly change the paths to the logo image in Design | Options | 'Shop Defaults' ( for Catalog) and 'Brochure' for the Home/brochure pages.

                      If you have images that are not uploading, you will need to add these to the list in Advanced | Additional files to ensure that they are uploaded by Actinic.

                      Kind regards,

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King


                        Not happening ....

                        Its been a while.... got married,
                        Now back to reality, my images problem.


                        1.The actinic logo is in Site1 - it didn't upload.
                        2. Loads of my images are in Site 1 - not one of them uploaded.
                        3. Loads of my images are in a directory called /images - not one of these uploaded.

                        (all images you see on the site have been FTP'd by me manually)

                        4. My actinic.css did not upload.
                        5. Files in Additoinal Files - wait for it - did not upload.

                        I have an upload problem and not a site strcuture problem.

                        Please help, this single issue has killed my dev time and my enthusiasm.

                        I do not believe that moving approx 800 images to Site1 will solve this problem, unless someone can do me some major convincing.

                        Thanks, Simon.
                        your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                        ... download once use as many times as you like !




                          I just looked at My_Primary1.txt back in post #21.

                          Many images are specified as <img name="xxxxx" src="xxxxx" etc

                          There is no attribute 'name' on the img tag. If you remove that from all the code, then Actinic might start to find and upload your images. The img tag should read <img src="xxxx" etc

                          From the WDG html reference
                          Syntax <IMG>
                          Attribute Specifications SRC=URI (location of image)
                          ALT=Text (alternate text)
                          LONGDESC=URI (link to long description)
                          WIDTH=Length (image width)
                          HEIGHT=Length (image height)
                          USEMAP=URI (client-side image map)
                          ISMAP (server-side image map)
                          ALIGN=top|middle|bottom|left|right (image alignment)
                          BORDER=Length (link border width)
                          HSPACE=Pixels (horizontal gutter)
                          VSPACE=Pixels (vertical gutter)
                          common attributes
                          On line, I see image markers and when I click one of these, I find a file name of mandatory90x90a.gif with a file size of 297 bytes, dimension of 0 pixels x 0 pixels, 0 bits per pixel and unknown file type. This would be the expected result if a gif file was FTP'd to the website using ASCII mode instead of BINARY.

                          This is meant to be helpful Simon, so please do not take it the wrong way, but if you can physically meet with an experienced Actinic user and let them walk you through the right way to do things in Actinic, it might just all come together.
                          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                            Hi Bill,

                            1. This issue with the "name" attribute...... i got this because of the way I imported html from flash. So what you are saying is if I remove it, this may help ?

                            So change;

                            <td><img name="hdr2_r1_c1" src="hdr2_r1_c1.gif" width="263" height="18" border="0" alt=""></td>

                            <td><img src="hdr2_r1_c1.gif" width="263" height="18" border="0" alt=""></td>
                            2. ASCII instead of BINARY...... Bill I didn't know there was two ways, so your right. However I only wanted to do this to see if my site looked OK. I want to revert to a proper Actinic driven upload.

                            3. Meeting with an Actinic expert .... anyone from newport, south wales...ish...? (no sheep jokes).

                            Thanks, Simon.
                            your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                            ... download once use as many times as you like !



                              You've understood 1 correctly

                              after you've removed the name attribute error for all images, try an upload with Actinic before reverting to FTP

                              congrats on the marriage!


                                OK..... result of sorts ....

                                Hi Folks,

                                Did what you recommended;
                                1. removed "name" attribute from the <img> tag,
                                2. moved all images to ../Site 1 and modified links accordingly,
                                3. added lots of files using 'Advanced > Additional Files' in Actinic,

                                Yippee .... it seems that I am in a healthier place, most images have uploaded.

                                However still a few are not happening, as follows???

                                1. PoweredByActinic.gif will not upload. i even added it to 'Advanced > Additonal Files', but no not a chance, it won't budge.
                                2. A series of files in my "Primary Template" will not move, I also added these to 'Advanced > Additonal Files', but they ...... won't budge.
                                These are :
                                navbg.gif (part of the Actinic template 'Retro')
                                shim.gif (part of the Actinic template 'Retro')
                                rhstop.gif (part of the Actinic template 'Retro')
                                ftr.gif (part of the Actinic template 'Retro')
                                rhsbottom.gif (part of the Actinic template 'Retro')

                                Food for thought ?

                                Also, I now get a few errors on the "Site Update" as follows...

                                As the update goes through its checks it gets to;
                                REVIEW Files and then i get the message:"No Error Occurred" ... for no apparent reason.
                                then, I get;
                                "Error generating HTML pages"

                                However, the process continues and completes... I have no idea why i get these messages and wether they attribute to my bigger problem ?

                                Appreciate the help, Simon.
                                your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                                ... download once use as many times as you like !


