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Locating .mdb file for pathway to images in v7

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    Perhaps you missed some of the references to these images with spaces in Actinic. They might not just be in the product - they may also be in html in product descriptions, fragments or additional files for example.


      I still have a problem with Actinic not recognising that I have removed the spaces on some of the images. If you have any thoughts on this I would be grateful.
      I suspect this is because you are still referencing the imagename with the spaces, ie these entries are still in the database.

      whilst it may be true there are noimages with spaces within your image folders, this is only half the task



        Thanks for your reply.

        Do you mean that I must go through and reselect all the images again, even though they are showing correct on the image line, please?





          I have used the search method on various of the items and located where the backups of pictures had been stored. I have deleted all those pictures, but still the errors occur.

          You suggest they may be html in product descriptions, fragments or additional files - please could you expand on this and tell me where I look.

          Many thanks.



            I am suggesting the image names are in the database, therefore you will need to flush them out of there.

            Of hand I don't know which tables, sorry. If i needed to find out I'd open the most obvious named tables first, and look for .jpg, gif etc etc



              Thanks for trying to help. Unfortunately I am not conversant with the inner workings of Actinic, and have only over the last couple of days had to get involved with the Product file. It left me in fear and trepidation!




                Sorted!!! At long last.

                Thank you everyone who has tried to help me - I am pleased to say all seems to be working perfectly now.

                Special thanks to Bill who has been a treasure, and Tracey. It really is appreciated.

                Kind regards



                  for the benefit of others, could you post how you finally solved the problem



                    Summarising my problem. It started with Actinic being unable to recognise the images. The pathway instead of C:\My documents\My Pictures, became something like C:\C:\\\............ Up to then I had had no problems at all.

                    Thankfully Bill started to help me, and I put all the images in Site Images in Site 1. In the past I had them in three different folders, depending on whether they had been scanned, digital camera, or taken from the web.

                    This still caused a problem. Bill advised me to put all images into Site 1 itself. In fear and trepidation I did so. Thought all well until I tried to upload, then 34 errors came up with spaces. I then ran a search on one of items, and discovered they were in Actinic Site 1, together with a copy I had put in "G" drive, and also three other positions. I then deleted all the images in the other folders. Must admit this was scary.

                    Still no improvement. Then looked in ActinicCatalogue.mdb under Product to try and find, and found under sDetailsUrlOrFile the products with the extra spaces. First I tried altering them to the same wording as Image File references, but to no avail. When I tried to upload, still same error. Then realised it may work if I deleted the ones with extra spaces in sDetailsUrlOrFile, which I would guess is the original image wording. Voila, this time the uploading went through fine. I wonder when I tried renaming in the past, whether it didn't complete properly, hence two different sets of wording - in Site Images the recent one, and in sDetailsUrlOrFile the previous one.

                    I was originally trying to change all the names of the problem files, and was spending hours and hours, until my host Phil Beynon, explained that I would save so much time if I could use a "Find and Replace". This started me thinking and this is what I did when I eventually realised how to sort it.

                    My sincere thanks especially to Bill Campbell, TraceyG, Jan, Jo and Phil for their patience in helping me. I am a lot wiser and not so apprehensive now.

                    I mustn't forget to thank Chris Dickens for originally trying to sort this out, and Seeths who has a Snapshot of my site. It will be interesting to hear his findings as to why it all happened when he gets back to me.

                    A final point for others like myself who are not conversant with the workings of Actinic, Bill told me that the Housekeeping/Compact databases menu option should be run after every major change to the shop data and the Housekeeping backup option should be run before any changes. His comment that it didn't sound like I had been using these options was right. I didn't know about them!!

                    Once again my sincere thanks to you all. Long may Actinic reign and kind people like yourselves who are willing to share their experience, with inexperienced users like myself.


