Hi Pete
Will contact 34sp and ask about port 443 and report back if I get a sensible answer from them.
Will contact 34sp and ask about port 443 and report back if I get a sensible answer from them.
($status, $sError, $sHttpStatus, $sResponse) = ACTINIC::HTTPS_SendAndReceive('www.nochex.com', 443, '/nochex.dll/apc/apc', $sPostedData, 'POST', $::TRUE, $ssl_socket);
my ($sServer, $sPort, $sPath, $sContent, $sMethod, $bCloseConnection, $ssl_socket) = @_;
# # Second attempt: ActinicSSL connection if ($@) # Error occured - the SSL library is probably not available { require sc000001; ($nResult, $sMessage, $ssl_socket) = new ActinicSSL($sServer, $sPort); } }
new ActinicSSL($sServer, $sPort);
my $Proto = shift; my $Class = ref($Proto) || $Proto; my $sServer = shift; my $sPort = shift;