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Site Entry Page and Google ranking

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    Site Entry Page and Google ranking

    Hi All,

    Whilst shopping on the web earlier this evening I noticed that the site that ranked number 1 under my Google search took to a page that consisted of a list of key words for just a few fractions of a second before taking me to its Home page. What would be going on here? Searching other terms nearly always returned the site in the top three so from that point of view it is an effective technique but is this "not quite cricket"? or am I being naive and missing a trick?!?!....


    Rob Wynn

    Sounds like a doorway page - a page full of keywords designed to rank high on google, they have a redirect on them so that as soon as you land on them you are directed to the sites visitor page. This is Black Hat SEO and Google hates sites like this - I suggest you report the site to Google and if it is found to be abusing the system it will be banned.

    It is up to all those who play fair to report those that dont.


      Report them here:


        Thanks for that Malcolm - I did suspect it to be not quite right but being new to this game was not sure!

        Thanks again

        Rob Wynn


          How come so many sites appear in adwords that are just piggybacking the search into their own site. For example I type in 'buy radio' and in 10th position in the adwords is a site 'leapfinder dot com' which just seems to send you off to other directory and search sites (similar for telebul dot com etc etc). They seem to appear for almost any keywords imaginable. Do they automate this in some way?

          I think Google should vet the ads in a similar way as Overture/Yahoo.


            Originally posted by drounding
            They seem to appear for almost any keywords imaginable.
            Similar tactics that used to create HTML pages from search strings eg enter "Golden Rabbit Noses" into Google and top of the pile would be some dodgy domain with Golden_Rabbit_Noses.html as a pagename. This also must have been banned as not seen any for a while... which is a shame as all out of noses

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              > which is a shame as all out of noses
              I've got some nice pink ones you can have it you like, no gold though ;-)

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                Got some red flashing ones!

