in dreamweaver i have set the links for the viewcart buttons as: http://d256639.micro59.micromarteuro...CTION=SHOWCART
and the check out as: http://d256639.micro59.micromarteuro...l?ACTION=Start
the url address is a tempary one that my server provider has set up for me, hense the long name,
I have noticed that within the link box for the advanced search button, it uses NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCHLINK, should i be using something like this for the other buttons?
Also does anyone know the starndard link to open the login page?
many thanks
and the check out as: http://d256639.micro59.micromarteuro...l?ACTION=Start
the url address is a tempary one that my server provider has set up for me, hense the long name,
I have noticed that within the link box for the advanced search button, it uses NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCHLINK, should i be using something like this for the other buttons?
Also does anyone know the starndard link to open the login page?
many thanks