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view cart button link

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    view cart button link

    in dreamweaver i have set the links for the viewcart buttons as: http://d256639.micro59.micromarteuro...CTION=SHOWCART
    and the check out as: http://d256639.micro59.micromarteuro...l?ACTION=Start

    the url address is a tempary one that my server provider has set up for me, hense the long name,
    I have noticed that within the link box for the advanced search button, it uses NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCHLINK, should i be using something like this for the other buttons?

    Also does anyone know the starndard link to open the login page?

    many thanks

    There is a full list of the NEQTQUOTEVARS are the bottom of the Advanced User Guide - available as download from the main Actinic site if you do not have a copy already.

    I tend to hard code the paths to the cart as I sometimes use the templates for external pages and hence the NQV:NABCHECKOUT etc will not get compiled under Dreamweaver. Either should work but the NQV route is better should you ever need to changes say the script ID as this will be taken care of automatically

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

