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quantity based pricing grid

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    quantity based pricing grid

    In our current hardback cataloge we use what actinic calles quantity based pricing, I would like to replicate this onto the acttinic site,

    however i would like the different price groups to be shown in the view cart+ checkout grids so that the usee can compare the prices and make changes if nessecary. Also could a similar grid be used on the product info page?

    i recall seeing this on another site but have stuggled to find an example of what i mean,



    I am not sure if this is what you want, but am giving it a go. To test this, in Actinic go to a section and on the 'Layout' Tab, under 'Shopping Mode' uncheck 'Use Parent Settings' and then select 'Quantity on Confirmation Page'.

    Now on the prices tab of a product within that section, click on the '+' sign to create a new row, this will have retail in as default, notice that the 'Min' tab is available to edit, enter a figure here for the minimum quantity, then enter the price, do this for a few minimum values, click on 'Apply' and then update the site.

    The cart will look like the attached screen grab...

    Kind regards,
    Attached Files
    Bruce King

