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Really annoying bug

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    Bill - MaxMTU is already at 1500. I can't understand why this only happens when there has been a relatively minor site change - it never happens after a major update. This is why I suspect Actinic rather than any settings or 3rd party software. I'll try what you suggested Jez, and report my findings later.
    Thanks for the input from everyone.



      I would look at the ftp side of things. Try Jez's suggestion of turning off enhanced ftp and also try changing from passive to non-passive ftp (or vice-versa). At one time passive ftp was the only way to go, but recently some hosts have been disabling passive ftp to avoid session hijacking.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Merge error

        This is a known problem in version seven however I have not seen the problem in any of our version 8 websites. The issues with Merger error have to do with the response time from the ftp server. When uploading using Actinic in version 7 there is a check against the filelist table in the primary database. if you have a big filelist or a slow response from the server, you will end up with a Merge request error.

        The simple fix in version 7 ( I am assuming this will work in version 8) is to open your ActinicCatalog.mdb in Microsoft Access. Locate the "FileList" table.
        Delete the contents of the table. Close the database. Do a refresh of the web site.

        Please note you should back up your database before opening it with access.

        I have not seen this problem in version 8. I have seen this problem repeatedly in version 7 and in my opinion it is a bug. But the fix I suggest had a 100% success rate when applied in version 7.


        Brian Johnson
        :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
        1-732-528-7635 x203


          Brian - is that a pemanent fix or would I need to do it each time I got the error?


            I assume my suggested fix resolved the issue for you.

            We see the issue here when making a snapshot from a Actinic 7 developer license and then transfering the snapshot database too the cleint. It seems that when ever a cleint received the snapshot from us they would heve the "merge failure". We only have to implement this fix when the database is transfered from SSI to the end customer. Provided your not moving the database again I should not expect you would have to implement the fix.

            I hope that helps
            Brian Johnson
            :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
            1-732-528-7635 x203

