I'm playing around with the <Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE /> tag (which I'm sure worked before) but now, the tag seems to be ignored by Actinic, meaning it shows up in the HTML source.
Basically I need to pass the Price Schedule ID to a JavaScript variable. I've tried this with:
My thinking was Actinic would display the value corresponding to the current schedule and leave the rest alone, resulting in, for example:
This is within Act_ProductLine.html template, and even the example copied directly from the KB article does precisely the same whether logged in or not.
Has anyone else who uses this tag had this problem?
Basically I need to pass the Price Schedule ID to a JavaScript variable. I've tried this with:
priceBand=<Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE Schedules="1" HTML="1" /><Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE Schedules="1" HTML="2" />;
This is within Act_ProductLine.html template, and even the example copied directly from the KB article does precisely the same whether logged in or not.
Has anyone else who uses this tag had this problem?