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IE7 & Favicons

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    IE7 & Favicons

    How do you get a favicon to appeat consistently across your site ?

    With the roll out of IE7 more people will be exposed to favicons and so I thought I would add one to my site.

    I created my favicon.ico and ftp'd it to my www root directory.
    I also edited the HTML in my index file as follows:

    Insert the following HTML tag inside the <head> ... </head>
    section of your web page.

    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" >

    This worked ok but was a quick fix as this was a manual amendment and would be lost when my index page is next updated by an upload.

    To make it perm I added this HTML tag to the Act_Primary template and added the favicon.ico to Site 1 root folder and registered it through additional files.

    All seemed well but I noted that some pages on the site showed the favicon and others didn't. These pages resided in acatolog and so I dropped a copy of the favicon in there and again registered it.

    I thought this was a good a plan until I tried to upload and kept getting failures at the merge point. Once I backed out these changes the upload and merge worked fine.

    Any ideas what I was doing wrong ?
    Any suggestions on how I can get the favicon to appear for all the pages in my site ?


    You willneed to add the 'favicon code' to all relevant templates including at least: Act_Primary and Act_BrochurePrimary.


      Thank you.
      I'm caught in the Christmas rush at present and will try and make these changes in Jan.


        I think it would be a good idea to keep all these favicon threads in one place:



          I disagree with the need to add a link statement into the templates. This should only be needed if the file is in a non standard place (example - a subfolder off acatalog).

          A favicon should work just fine without so long as it is in the /acatalog/ or the website root folder. All that is needed for it to show in IE is a bookmark to the site.

          Nothing is required in Opera or Firefox or Safari - all will show any existing favicon immediately a site is accessed.

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            I've never tried it without the link statement. I battled to get my very first one working and since then I just copy the method I found worked. I agree if it's not needed then leave it out - keep it simple.

