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Checkout Pages

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    Checkout Pages

    Our site is almost ready to go online now but we have several things we'd like to change in the checkout pages:

    1. It appears that users on larger size monitors 17" have to scroll across in the checkout to see all the tables with their chosen products in. Is there a way around this?

    2. We're using actinic shared ssl for the capturing of credit card details for later processing. The page that redirects the customer once they have chosen the payment method (with "Click next to go to a secure server and process your credit card details with complete confidence") is only flashing up before redirecting to the actinic page where credit card details are taken. This means that the customer is unable to read this page, so we are concerned that they will not realise the page with credit card details on is secure. Is there a way to lengthen the time on this page?


    Many thanks.

    I made a test on your site and it was quite long winded with screens confirming what was confirmed previously.

    I'm not sure about a flashing screen but whilst the address is https:// the padlock seemed to be missing!

    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
    Skype: GiftsLine


      it was working earlier on two computers we have here so not sure why there is no padlock showing. tried it just now on a new computer - and the padlock didnt show. not sure why this is happening????

      we agree that the steps are quite long winded, but i dont know if there is a way of shortening the process?

      were you able to read the message "click here to go to a secure server and process your credit card details....."? On ours the page only stays up for a few seconds, before we are redirected to the actinic shared ssl page?


        It appears that users on larger size monitors 17" have to scroll across in the checkout to see all the tables with their chosen products in. Is there a way around this?
        This is because your banner image is too wide at 1100pix try reducing it to about 760


          Sorry, no I didn't get any screens that said being redirected to a secure server.

          Only had a short time to test as I'm busy right now.

          Ph: 0845 838 1 839
          Skype: GiftsLine


            and the padlock didnt show
            The actinic shared SSL is working ok for me.


              are you using internet explorer 7? just looked again on the new computer with ie7 and the padlock is to the right of the address bar! hope this solves it!


                we agree that the steps are quite long winded
                Remove the confirm cart contents option this will reduce the checkout process.


                  On ours the page only stays up for a few seconds, before we are redirected to the actinic shared ssl page?
                  It does it for me as well - this is a bit odd. try increasing the bounce delay in options.


                    I have and still do have bounce problems. Whilst this is a delay issue mine always returns to the home page and not the last page viewed!

                    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                    Skype: GiftsLine


                      We tried changing the bounce page delay in options, but this just meant that there is a delay between adding an item to cart, showing you the cart and then a delay before redirecting you to the page you were previosuly on. there wasn't a change in the "Please click next to go to a secure site........".


                        We tried changing the bounce page delay in options
                        Ok - I have noticed that this bounce dose vary in some V7 sites (in V8 there is no bounce you have to press next - I prefer the bounce) it is possibly due to the connection speed to the actinic server.

                        I dont think it will harm sales as people dont get a chance to read it and the SSL shows it is secure, plus it is one less click. You can always put the Actinic SSL logo on every page which should help


                          I would also look at your displayed prices, I was going to add a blazer to my basket, th description said "Priced from £39.95 - £52.50 " it wasn'tuntil i had the item in my basket that the price for my chosen size was disclosed.

                          Add the prices for each size to the html description of the choice.

                          Get the width of the banner changed too, its not the monitor size, but the resolution that affects the horizontal scrolling. On my 1024 monitor I was having to scroll left and right all the time - not advisable - as you are reying on your purchasers to be able to work that out, some are simply not that savvy.


                            thanks. i guess we'll have to leave it and maybe add some text in the payment options page in the cart. is this in one of the templates?

                            we have the receipt page as a printable page. we've put an order through and printed off the page, and found a problem! the table at the bottom which displays the products the customers have purchased has two columns - description and quantity. due to the width of the description column, the quantity isnt printed, which may cause some problems with the customers. is there a way to change this?


                              Jo - we are new to online shops! where do we change the size of the banner width?

