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Exporting Snapshot Error

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    Exporting Snapshot Error


    I currently use Actinic 7 but when I export a snapshot it says I have 1 Warning and 3 Errors. Listed below is what it says. If I could find out where in Actinic these files are needed and change them to the new actinic file. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    The file C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v4\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Act_AuthNetOK.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
    The file C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v4\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Act_AuthNetError.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
    The file C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v4\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\PostAuthNet.fil was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.

    This site includes files that are outside the Actinic installation directory.
    On importing the site these files will be delivered to a temporary location within the Actinic installation directory.
    Manual intervention will be required to restore the site after import.

    C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v4\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Act_AuthNetOK.html
    C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v4\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\Act_AuthNetError.html
    C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v4\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC\PostAuthNet.fil

    I think is only available in the US version. If you have a UK version this provider's files may not be there. Check which version you have.


      Thank you for your reply,

      I have the US version. Those files should be takin from the "Actinic ecommerce v7" folder but it is trying to get them from the v4 folder. I am looking for a way I can go into Actinic and change it so it takes the files from the new v7 folder.

      Many Thanks


        Hi Mark,

        Can you check if those files are listed in the 'Advanced | Additional Files' list. If they are you should be able to remove them.


          They were indeed in "Advanced l Additional Files," I removed all three of them and that seemed to fix the problem. Thank you very much.

          However I have one last question (so sorry). Occasionall when I am exporting a snapshot it will abort the process because of an error as direct quoted below:

          FATAL ERRORS
          (File SnapshotWizard.cpp, Line 816) - Archive error 5 - The compression operation failed
          Library error - Can not open file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\ActinicCatalog.mdb ! has been caught.

          If you had an answer to that I would greatly appreciate it. Again this only happens occasionall when I am exporting a snapshot. Thank you very much.

          Mark Babineau


            Hi Mark,

            ActinicCatalog.mdb ! has been caught
            This basically means that the database hasn't been released by a previous process so the snapshot facility is not able to access the database. Closing the software and re-opening and will allow you to take a snapshot without a problem.


              Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it. I have no further questions at this time.

              Mark Babineau

