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Problem! Fraction for the quantity.

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    Problem! Fraction for the quantity.

    Hi i am selling textile and my product is measure in length. So i uses the length as my weight. example: 1m = 1 kg.

    Now the problem when a customer want to buy 1.5m of cloth, so the length they key in will be 1m, but actinic only accept whole number for the weight. how can it be solve? Thx !!
    <a href = "">
    The Online Fabric Store

    <a href = "">
    The Online Fabric Store


      As you can only buy in quantities that are integer units have you considered selling by the centimetre?

      You'll have to consider the effects of having a price for 1 cm of fabric - this might be too small to fit into Atinic's other limitation of integral pennies (or cents) for the price.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        No, the smallest unit is 0.5metre. My question is the quantity actinic allow is integer. How to solve it? thx
        <a href = "">
        The Online Fabric Store


          There are several ways around this. However none are simple and most rely on JavaScript. This one doesn't. In your product name add the text "(sold 1/2 Metre units)"

          Price the product per half metre.

          Copy your product template to a new file name e.g. FabricProductTemplate.html and in that template replace:-


          <OPTION VALUE="1">0.5</OPTION>
          <OPTION VALUE="2">1.0</OPTION>
          <OPTION VALUE="3">1.5</OPTION>
          <OPTION VALUE="4">2.0</OPTION>
          <OPTION VALUE="5">2.5</OPTION>
          <OPTION VALUE="6">3.0</OPTION>

          Use this template for products you sell by length and this will only allow an input of 0.5 to 3.0 metres in half metre lengths. The quantity will be shown in half metre amounts and the bit you added to the product name will appear in the checkout to keep the customer informed as to what's going on.

          Of course you can pad out the <option...> list to suit the range of lengths that your customers are likely to buy.


          p.s. If you want to see what can be done with a lot of JavaScript and perl mod's then see the demo at:- where custom made curtains are being made to order with all the calculations and pricing being done in real-time on the order page.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Copy your product template to a new file name e.g. FabricProductTemplate.html and in that template replace:-


            Where is the NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY in the product template u mean? I cant find it..

            I only manage can see this ,
            Act_ProductLine.html=Actinic original product template.
            Act_CenterProductLine.html=Vertically centered text.
            Act_LeftProductLine.html=Text to the left of the image.
            Act_RightProductLine.html=Text to the right of the image.
            Act_ProductLine1.html=No image. Description under name and button.
            Act_ProductLine2.html=Allows much larger product images.
            Act_ProductLine3.html=Image down left hand side. Name above image.
            Act_ProductLine4.html=No image or description. Laid out in single line.
            Act_DummyProductLine.html=Product name and description only.
            Act_ProductLineTextOnly.html=Description only, useful for inserting messages











            Will u help to point it out?
            <a href = "">
            The Online Fabric Store


              Now i am trying to seperate the whole number quantity with the decimal quantity such as 0.5meter. I got a problem when i type in the quantity, u may want to go to to try to puchase an item with like 5 metre and 20cm, the result i wants is the price for 5m and 20cm, but the come out as 5 metre + (20*5). How to solve it? Thx!
              <a href = "">
              The Online Fabric Store



                Norman is referring to the Act_ProductLine.html file (or whatever), not the ProductTemplates.ini.

                You will probably have more than one Act_ProductXXXX.html file in your Site1 folder. You need to make a copy of the one that you are currently using for these products and make the suggested changes in there.

                Then you need to tell Actinic to use the new template in the Product Details popup, General tab, Product Layout. Use the Select button to locate the new template file. If you want to apply the template to all the products in a section, set the Default Template in the Section popup, Product tab.

                For future convenience, you can edit the ProductTemplates.ini file to add your new template (maybe with a preview image as well).
                Chris Brown


                  The method Norman is saying is good, but if a customer is buying 20m of cloth, i will have a very very long listbox. So i now trying to combine the quantity with another listbox with length lesser than 1m so them to choose. So i encounter a problem:

                  Now i am trying to seperate the whole number quantity with the decimal quantity such as 0.5meter. I got a problem when i type in the quantity, u may want to go to to try to puchase an item with like 5 metre and 20cm, the result i wants is the price for 5m and 20cm, but the come out as 5 metre + (20*5). How to solve it? Thx
                  <a href = "">
                  The Online Fabric Store


                    Are you doing the 20cm with a component? If so then this will not work as the component quantities are always tied to the main product quantities.

                    The only way you could do it is have the units and the sub-units as two separate products, and then use a 'Shopping Mode' of 'Quantity on Product Page' with 'Single Add to Cart Button' per page. That way, people will be able to select unit quantity and then the sub-units independently.

                    Otherwise, I'm afriad you are stuck with Normans rather elegant suggestion of the drop-down list for half-units.


                      Elegant - that's me to a T. Anyway regarding the drop down lists. I've seen a site who use a list with 500 terms in it (whew!) and it isn't too daunting to use. It only takes one line on the screen and will only be used if the customer intends to buy.

                      If your worried about page size (due to all those <OPTION..> tags) then this can easily be fixed by using a tiny JavaScript loop to document.write the lot so only a few bytes of code are needed to generate the lot.

                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        Hi, cdicken
                        If i follow the way u metioned. I will have 2 Quantity textbox, 1 for the main length and 1 for the sublength, although it is only 1 add to cart button. Customer will have to key in the quantity they want, then key in 1 for the quantity in the component then select the additional length. How to hide the quantity textbox and make it default 1? Thx

                        Hi, NormanRouxel
                        I dont think i can affort to write all the length dimension as it ca go as small as .2 metre to 100 metre.. Any suggesttion? Thx

                        Also i will like add a left navigation on the left of the page for all the pages without using a frame, which page should i go to edit? Thx.

                        <a href = "">
                        The Online Fabric Store


                          Hi, NormanRouxel
                          I dont think i can affort to write all the length dimension as it ca go as small as .2 metre to 100 metre.. Any suggesttion? Thx

                          Here's an alternative way of getting the count of 20cm lengths into the product quantity field. You could use JavaScript to accept a numeric input, round it to the next 20cm and then place that number (of 20cm's) into the a hidden quantity field.

                          You comment out NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY and replace it with

                          <input type="hidden" name="Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE" value="0">
                          <input type="text" name="JV-NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE" onchange=fixlength('NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE',this.value)">

                          I'll leave the writing of fixlength 'till later or you can do it yourself. Basically it validates and rounds up the value this.value and then places the result (in units of 20cm) into the hidden field Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE which is what Actinic expects the product quantity to be in.

                          Another thing you'll have to consider, whichever way you go is what happens when the item is in the cart. The customer is able to amend the quantities in the cart so could (if you go with a 20cm sub-product) change that to a crazy number. I.e 1 metre of main product and 123 20cm's of sub-product. That won't be a problem if you go with the single 20cm based product.

                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            Hi, Norman,
                            U said u can use a loop for the quantity?how? and where should i apply the product templete after changes the NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY in the product page. Pardon me as it is the first time i am using actinic and this is the so call only major problem i face for this project... Really appeciate if u can show me step by step. Thx
                            <a href = "">
                            The Online Fabric Store


                              How to hide the quantity textbox and make it default 1? Thx
                              Go to 'Design | Options | Layouts' and click the 'Edit' button next to 'Default Product Layout'.

                              Save it as Act_ProductLineHiddenQuantity.html

                              Within the template, replace

                              <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY --><input type="hidden" name="Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE" value="1">

                              You can now select this template within the 'General' tab for any product that you want to have a hidden quantity.

