You may be interested in this JavaScript and template modification solution as it allows the customer to input the number of metres they want (like 1.3). It then rounds it to the next 20cm (like 1.4), calculates the number of 20cm units needed (7) and displays both the 1.4 Metres and 7 Units using the Other Info Prompt.
It's quite a big patch so I've attached it as a readme file.
If you like this let me know and I'll send some more mod's that will disable the customer being able to edit the quantities in the shopping cart as this would prevent the real length and units getting out of sync.
Hi Norman,
You are being so helpful. The step is really so clear and brief. I followed what u have mention and I think i mess it up, u may want to have look at and try to add a product, the 20cm dont seem to work. And why u need a length prompt? Thx Norman.
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The Online Fabric Store
You need to set the sections Shopping Mode to "Quantity on Product Page" for this patch to work. Sorry - I forgot to mention that.
Re the Other Info prompt. It's very useful as it will display both the number of metres ordered and a message showing that the cart quantity is in 20cm units. Try it and see.
Hi Norman u may like u check this, i tried to set the product quantity on product page but it dont accept any number, even whole number. Also how to splint products into different page using the next and back button? rather than subsection on top.
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The Online Fabric Store
Hi Norman, the quatity do jump from 1.3 to 1.4 for a flash of sec but there is this message keep coming out, even if i key in whole number. I dont understand why yours can work.
Length: The length must be a whole number between 1 and 32767
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The Online Fabric Store
It works fine from here. You can change the quantity and then click anywhere (even on some blank area) except the add to cart button to see the rounding up working.
Do not use Autocomplete to fill in the entry as there is a bug in Internet Explorer (tut-tut Bill G.) that fails to fire the onchange event if you use autocomplete. Type the value in each time and see if that helps. Don't worry about this I've an update coming that will fix this.
What version of web browser are you using? Use Help / About to find out.
Hi Norman, I try it on my friend's pc and it wk fine. What is the problem in my pc and my office's one? I didnt use the auto complete at both places. Currently i am off for this 2 days, so i cant really tell u what ver i am using. If it is about the ver, will it be user friendly if we have to ask the customer to update it? Thx
<a href = "">
The Online Fabric Store
The JavaScript is quite simple so I doin't think that there will be a problem for your customers.
You'll have noticed that the customer could display the cart and edit the Quantity or Informative field. This could be very confusing as it could lead to contradictory orders being made.
Please let me know your e-mail address so I can send you an update that fixes that and also allows the fractional quantity to be editable in the Display Shopping Cart phase.
This is quite a useful patch so I'll probably not give it away free. As you prompted me to write it you can have a free copy.
What you want is quite feasible as it's a bit of JavaScript that decides how many items you're allowed to order and then either rounds it up or down. It would be easy to change that script to accept any number and to round to the next multiple of 10 (or to warn if the amount isn't such a multiple if you prefer it that way).
Have alook at Kai's site and see the code in action. He's not yet using the finished product (it only allows the cart to be edited as per the product page type rules).
As the script also runs when you display the cart it would only allow alterations to be made that obey the same rules.
I'd be happy to modify the script to do what you want but as there are some Perl patches required (only a few lines in - but working them out isn't trivial) I'm afraid this will be a chargeable patch. Contact me off the forum if you like and we can discus how much it would cost. I'm on and am UK based 'tho I'm on extended holiday in Turkey at the moment.
Hi Norman, i finally know where the problem lie. U try hitting submit the cart with ENTER rather than click on the add to cart button. U will know what i mean. And if u willing to give me the code for the customer unable to edit the quantity at the shopping cart, i will really appeciate.
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