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checkout bounce rates.!!

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    checkout bounce rates.!!

    Hi Guys,

    After months and months i am finaly getting some good traffic coming to the site, with the help of some expert advice from this site.

    My problem now lies with the checkout, this month alone my stats show...

    77 added to cart
    71 went to checkout
    65 got to order02
    with only 5 sales

    I have done various things to checkout - ie...thumb in checkout, done away with VAT to keep it simple and put in stages of checkout at the top, but most still leave. am i missong something ?? or is this the norm.?

    site : bosslighting .

    Feel free to look and advise of any issues.


    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

    I had a look, and invariably added to your problem, however, I can't see any glaring reason that people would leave your site during these checkout stages.

    However, Nochex, isn't that common, and I assume you need an account with Paypal to use, either way..... there has been threads on High Street Banks inducing more confidence in customers, and perhaps better gateways for payment, but thats an opinion?

    Maybe get some control of the Nochex Page and add more detail on Boss Lighting, links to Nochex to support them, (didn't notice anything, but you may already have this link), your safe shop link is good, maybe more of this type stuff on the payment page ?

    Who knows what goes on in the mind of the consumer, offer the "CC details sent separately" option, at least then you may find out if your custom base is like my mother.... she hates putting CC details in webpages and would much rather send a cheque in the post, or telephone it through?

    Just ideas? Simon.
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      Im getting script errors from nochex


        I agree the payment options arnt great, but they will have to do for now.

        What confuses me though is there not even getting to the stage where they choose payment options.

        Its more the page where they put in there details, I'm worried that because its not secure with the padlock they are not entering there details.

        Is it possible to have this page secure ? and how do i go about it ?

        Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


          To be honest if i got to the checkout and found my only choice of payment was Nochex I would not buy.

          I like to see one of the big PSPs ie Protx, Worldpay, HSBC, SecPay, Netbanx (or even paypal if the transaction value is small).

          I rarely buy from small traders (or seemingly small traders) who use SSL and i never use Nochex.

          Maybe time is now to revise your payment provision as it seems to be affecting potential sales.



            I have paypal also as a payment choice.

            what the problem is, is that there exiting before they even see the choice of payment. it seems there fine with the price, fine on the shipping page, then when they get to the name/address details they leave.

            Is Nochex that bad ? how does the likes of protx compare ?

            Anyone else finding a script error when they go through the checkout ?? and why would this happen ?

            Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


              the name/address details they leave
              Try removing the agree terms and conditions check box and see what happens


                I didn't get the error on nochex, so can't really help there.

                Paypal and nochex are still in the position of being perceived as cheap options - therefore tend to be used by budget startup companies. You never see the big boys on the www having them as their only payment options.

                The general consensus if you want your store to exude credibility is to use a more established PSP.


                  Paypal and nochex are still in the position of being perceived as cheap options
                  Just read in the Telegraph today that over 30% of the UK adult population has a paypal account.


                    So how do protx compare to nochex.

                    Whats the difference ?

                    they both take CC

                    How do i remove the agree to T&C's ?
                    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters



                      I agree its getting there, but it still is too closely linked to ebay for my liking. And IMO still shows an internet business as "garage" or "bedroom"

                      Better funded and/or more established business have other methods of taking CC payments.

                      Thats not to say that buying from a shop that uses PP only means you will get ripped off or nor get your goods, often these fledgling companies go the extra mile, I am happier buying from more estalished businesses where I feel my personal details stand more chance of being kept securely.


                        I agree its getting there, but it still is too closely linked to ebay
                        Agreed - you are always going to look better if you use a big name bank eg HSBC but it also depends what you are selling and your target market. If your products sell well to "that type" of shopper you would be mad not to use Paypal.


                          Found the T&C's, ive now taken it off.

                          Is there a way to remove all the T&C's info of the name/address page and just offer a link instead ?
                          Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                            no worries - found out how to do it.

                            Can anyone tell me what are the advantages of protx over nochex ?

                            Whats the difference if they both take CC details ?
                            Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                              Better funded and/or more established business have other methods of taking CC payments
                              Reading on in the Telegraph it says that major online business's are now adding paypal - those that do already are Boots, Harrods, DHL, Pixmania and SonyEricsson. In the USA Paypal accounts for 25% of all online transactions with Google Checkout having a rapid take up at 2% already. Some UK websites have already ditched all forms of PSP except for Checkout

