We use Total Weight as our calculation basis.
We have Free Over £75.
Now we would like to sell items that cost more than £75 each but cost a lot to ship.
We can use the Total Weight to manage the addional shipping costs of course but it seems we would have to withdraw our cherished Free Over £75 offer.
Does anybody know if we can exclude some items from the 'Free Over Offer' or fudge it some other way.
We use Total Weight as our calculation basis.
We have Free Over £75.
Now we would like to sell items that cost more than £75 each but cost a lot to ship.
We can use the Total Weight to manage the addional shipping costs of course but it seems we would have to withdraw our cherished Free Over £75 offer.
Does anybody know if we can exclude some items from the 'Free Over Offer' or fudge it some other way.