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Free Shipping

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    Free Shipping

    Hi All,

    Is there a way of removing shipping charges from certain products in v7?

    I’ve got some discounts setup that work fine for individual purchases but aren’t giving the correct discount for multiple buys…

    See here:
    • If you buy 2 pest controllers (bottom of catalogue page), discount is 2x£3 but only needs to be £5
    • If you buy 1 its just 1x£3 which is fine

    Is it possible to setup a discount that removes the total charge of shipping rather than a set price?



    You will not be able to exempt individual products from shipping in v7, this is possible with v8.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Ok, no problem.

      Thanks for letting me know, Bruce.


        Free Shipping on certain items - v7

        Hi All,

        I am attempting to provide Free Shipping on only selected items within v7, which have no ship weight entered in Product details/details.

        When viewing the Help pages, Actinic Help says "Examples Of Shipping Setup
        If you wanted to allow free shipping for zero-weight orders, then you would":

        Create new shipping class called 'Free Shipping' -which I have done with "total weight" checked in shipping and "By Class".

        Have a single band with a weight of '0' and a cost of '0'. -I cant do this as no box appears within "shipping bands" in actinic.

        Set 'Excess' to 'Don't allow excess' -I also cannot do this, as no box appears within "shipping bands" in actinic.

        It seems that no matter what I do, the default weight has to be one pound - charging our customers a ship cost on a free ship item, that has no weight assigned.

        Free Ship on every item on our site is not an option, as we have many heavy products.

        I appreciate your time reading this and look forward to hearing from you.
        Matt Kerwin
        Music For All


          1. Ship by weight
          2. Have entries in your normal shipping bands which says 0kg-£0.00
          3. Add '0' into the weight field on the product itself when you want it to have free shipping

          If you set that up correctly, i guarantee it will work for you. You have to put the weight '0' in on the product WHEN you want the default weight overridden.


            Have a single band with a weight of '0' and a cost of '0'. -I cant do this as no box appears within "shipping bands" in actinic.
            It will if you click the + sign top left corner = add new row
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              Hi Lee,

              It worked great! All you need is a "0" assigned as the weight to allow Free Shipping.

              Thanks for your help mate - I sincerely appreciate it.

              Matt Kerwin
              Music For All


                My pleasure Matt, HTH.

