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Detaching index page from actinic

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    Detaching index page from actinic

    Hi there i'm sure this will be an easy one,

    What i'm trying to do is disconnect the index page or as it is in actinic Act_BrochurePrimary.HTML from uploading when i do an update, i want to do this simple because i have spent ages vailidating the code and it seems (don't quote me on this!!) once it goes online from Act_BrochurePrimary.HTML there is a load of code which isn't validated, so i created my own index.html page and upload it seperataly

    Delete the picture of a house and don't let actinic have anything to do with your home page, you can control it outside of actinic as and when you want then. Although why you want your home page to validate when the rest of your site won't, is a little beyond me i must admit.


      Oh Yeah Knew it would be stright forward, don't ask me why i'm doing it, i'm just a head coffe maker round here who does what he's told....well some of the time


        LOL Stuart whatever floats your boat. 2 sugars in mine please dude.

