Hi there i'm sure this will be an easy one,
What i'm trying to do is disconnect the index page or as it is in actinic Act_BrochurePrimary.HTML from uploading when i do an update, i want to do this simple because i have spent ages vailidating the code and it seems (don't quote me on this!!) once it goes online from Act_BrochurePrimary.HTML there is a load of code which isn't validated, so i created my own index.html page and upload it seperataly
What i'm trying to do is disconnect the index page or as it is in actinic Act_BrochurePrimary.HTML from uploading when i do an update, i want to do this simple because i have spent ages vailidating the code and it seems (don't quote me on this!!) once it goes online from Act_BrochurePrimary.HTML there is a load of code which isn't validated, so i created my own index.html page and upload it seperataly